Wednesday, June 27, 2018

TK the AG Has Problems

July 17th is fast approaching. Perhaps no statewide election is so important as that of the duel between Steve Marshall and Troy King, aka TK the AG (when he was last in office). Now that Mr. Marshall's wife has passed away, there's no certainty that he will remain in the race; however, we believe that he will.

We always try to be up front in our endorsements and with our likes/dislikes. Regular readers know how we've always felt about Troy King, a man whose edicts while in office are still having to be countered by our legislature. Now, has published an interesting expose' on King. Sure, that media outlet doesn't like King anymore than we here do, but you can read the article and do your own fact checking.

How nice to be president of three companies. Somehow we've always believed that prexys made an actual income from their businesses. Yet that isn't our main takeaway from this article.

Troy King makes no more than 50K annually from his law practice? We've always been both amused and bemused at how the public sees all attorneys as millionaires. Our joke is that the population of Florence is 40,000, and 39,999 of these citizens are lawyers. It's very close to the truth. 

But 50K? We remember two years ago (yes, it's been that long) when an attorney friend of ours commented that accused pimp Chip Dillard had never made over 50K a year from his law practice. We can believe that of Dillard, but of King? What is wrong with that picture...and that's not a rhetorical question. We would love to know why TK has no more paying clients, assuming he's telling the truth about his practice.

So...if Steve Marshall remains on the ballot, he's the lesser of two evils. If he doesn't, the Republican Party is stuck with TK the AG. Remember: Not all Democrats are demons.

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