Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jeremy Britten to Leave UNA

Jeremy Britten has been a fixture at the University of North Alabama for almost ten years. Here's his online bio:

Jeremy Britten is an award winning marketing and digital communications expert with 18+ years of experience. Specialties include: digital marketing & design, social media strategy, content strategy, and search engine optimization (SEO). Jeremy and his wife, Christi, moved from Seattle to Florence in 2008 and have four children: Avery, Hannah, Emerson, and Margie. Jeremy enjoys studying Shoals history, trying new foods with his wife, and going on adventures with his children.

Now he's leaving the ivy covered halls of Florence's university. Why? We don't know. We are interested in learning more of this and doing a follow up. From what we know of Jeremy, this is the university's loss.


Interesting fact: Did you know that counting bonuses, Dr. Ken Kitts was the sixth highest paid college president in the state. Yes, for all UNA's tales of financial woe, the university paid Kitts a 40K bonus after his first year. 

Think about this: For those UNA presidents who choose to live on campus (Dr. Robert Potts did not), there is no rent or mortgage payment. We never see that particular perk included in salary data. Does Kitts pay utilities? We have no idea, but we're sure the bill for a home that size is steep. Another perk?

We wonder how much the salaries of "mere" secretaries stack up against that of similar positions in the private sector.

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