An account of Shannon Paul Brewer's attack on Daniel Jackson in the victim's own words:
Yes, he did (stab me) at my house. It was an altercation with his brother (Jerry Lee Brewer) who was urinating on my dog's pen. I asked him to go in and use the bathroom and he said "f*** you." Then I asked him again (and) he gave me the same answer and came at me.
I shoved him down (and) Shannon stepped out from behind a tree and started stabbing me in the chest and arm. I punched him to the ground before I realized I was stabbed. I ran up my steps and got duct tape and plastic wrap because my muscle was hanging out of my arm. I didn't even know I had a baseball size hole in my chest.
I was told by Florence police that he was going to jail then and that they would handle the case as attempted murder since I (was stabbed seven times and) lost four pints of blood and almost died. If Florence police would have done something that day then this man (Mark Dishon) would still be alive.
My arm goes numb sometimes and I can't use it. (Shannon) needs to be locked up for the rest of his life. His brother is just as evil as he is. They need to get him before he kills someone too. I hope my info can help him be put away this time since nothing was done when my life was almost ended.
I shoved him down (and) Shannon stepped out from behind a tree and started stabbing me in the chest and arm. I punched him to the ground before I realized I was stabbed. I ran up my steps and got duct tape and plastic wrap because my muscle was hanging out of my arm. I didn't even know I had a baseball size hole in my chest.
I was told by Florence police that he was going to jail then and that they would handle the case as attempted murder since I (was stabbed seven times and) lost four pints of blood and almost died. If Florence police would have done something that day then this man (Mark Dishon) would still be alive.
My arm goes numb sometimes and I can't use it. (Shannon) needs to be locked up for the rest of his life. His brother is just as evil as he is. They need to get him before he kills someone too. I hope my info can help him be put away this time since nothing was done when my life was almost ended.
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Jerry Lee Brewer |
In the murder of Mark Dishon (Shannon Brewer's second stab and dash), the state will ask for an indictment of Capital Murder. If convicted, no matter the jury's recommendation, a judge will almost always hand down the death penalty. We realize the Brewer brothers' family members are hurting, but the stabbing death of Mr. Dishon is much more than a "mistake" as they have termed it.
From J. Redmon:

This really bugs me: As a former law enforcement officer I constantly ran 'what if?' scenarios through my mind while on duty. It was a way to stay focused and attuned to my surroundings and constantly changing situations.
WHO leaked the arrival time of the Brewer brothers to friends and family? Was the leak 'authorized'? Whoever leaked the information, or authorized it, violated every aspect of 'operational security'. How hard would it have been for a friend/family member of the murdered individual to have been sitting in any of the nearby parking lots with a rifle in order to exact a little 'revenge'? What if said individual had missed the intended target and wounded/killed an innocent bystander or officer? What if........?
Tomorrow we'll look at public defenders in Alabama.
Can't you find anything else to talk about?
ReplyDeleteRest assured we're never at a loss for words. Tomorrow we'll discuss court appointed attorneys--but remember, they can only do so much with what they have to work with.
ReplyDeleteToo bad most of what you say is false. I find it pathetic that all you can do is steal pictures and information from a page made to help support the Brewer family. Both families are going through enough without you adding to it.
ReplyDeletePlease identify the falsehood in this report.
DeleteDaniel's story is hear say. I wasn't talking about that as much as I was about everything else you've been posting.
Delete1. Daniel's account of the attack is identified as being in his own words. It was duly filed with Florence police and is on record.
Delete2. You still don't identify any falsehood.
But even if these are Daniel's own words, they are his words spoken today, not 3 years ago when he was supposedly attacked. There isn't much validity here.
DeleteNo one but the three men (Shannon, Jerry, Daniel) and God know exactly what happened that night. We do know Daniel was stabbed and filed a police report three years ago. It is public record and can be obtained for around $10.00 (not at all sure of the exact charge). We do know that many individuals were aware of the stabbing when it happened and have contacted us.
DeleteEach person is entitled to an opinion--Did it happen the way Daniel says or not? Our opinion is that it did; nevertheless, we have certainly indicated the account of the stabbing is in Daniel's own words. We've added nothing to it.
Just like your writing career.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletePlease do not use vulgarities or make libelous statements. Such comments will not be published, or if inadvertently published, will be deleted.
DeleteWhy use Jerry's picture in a horrible story about his brother?
ReplyDeleteUnless we're mistaken, Jerry Lee Brewer was involved in both these crimes, and if we're mistaken, so are the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Department and several other organizations/individuals.
DeleteSo did u have permission from the owner of those pictures to use them? Or did you take it upon yourself to steal them? Cause trust me when I say I am POSITIVE they do not appreciate how you are using them.
DeleteThe owner of the FB page has taken it upon herself to publish false information about several individuals just because they are our friends. Until then we allowed her to use our comment form to advertise her defense fund page. While we try to be courteous, her actions have negated any right to request anything of us.
DeleteDid it ever occur to you the owner of those pictures gave permission to the Support Jerry and Shannon Brewer page, but not to you? I feel as though you have a personal issue with the Brewer Brothers. Maybe you should focus your talent into doing something useful and good for the community. Maybe trying to get more people to donate toys for toys for tots or you know something good.
DeleteThat fb page has more than one "owner" and you weren't letting us do anything because you refuse to approve comments that make you look bad.
DeleteWe usually garner many new readers each time we blog about a crime. If you had read us for any length of time, you would know we have reported and opined about many crimes, usually murders. No, we don't know the Brewer brothers. All we can "know" is reaped from news accounts--none of them good.
DeleteWe also write many blogs on local events, charities, and other "good" stories, but we will never sweep anything under the rug as so many people want. We've never understood the rationale behind just ignoring something hoping it will go away.
Remember, Mark Dishon was new to the area. He has few to stand up for him, and anyone can now say anything about him they wish without fear of consequences. If it were your relative stabbed to death, would you want that?
I would want the truth to be told. Wouldn't you? And yes the news is making the Brewers look bad, but you consider you self a blogger... which is a few steps below a journalist I assume. Wouldn't you rather get both sides of the story? Or do you just report what you feel will increase the traffic to your page?
DeleteThe links to the Brewer defense fund/support page were not deleted until that page linked false information about several individuals who are our friends, but are in no way connected to this blog. It says a great deal about the Brewer family's total disregard for truth.
DeleteSo your only source of information is other peoples writing? You don't do any investigating on your own?
DeleteAs far as the negative remarks about your friends on the Support Jerry and Shannon Brewer facebook page, they have been removed but the "owners" expect a little bit of common courtesy in the future. For example, ask before you steal pictures and bio's from the page.
DeleteI'm going to assume you're referring to Daniel's statement concerning the stabbing in 2009. We do have a source (in fact several) at the FPD who has confirmed Shannon was arrested for that crime. He did not know anything further--we have advised anyone who wishes to pursue it further to purchase a copy of whatever court proceedings there may be to learn why the case wasn't prosecuted.
DeleteThank you for removing these links. Now...if Shannon's sister, or anyone else, would like to present a different version of what happened that night, we will give it a blog posting of its own.
DeleteWe understand the Brewers' mother and grandmother are extremely upset, and we wish them well. If Shannon is innocent, we will be the first to support a "not guilty" verdict, or preferably dropping the charges in the first place. That's just not anything we are in a position to decide.
Well its obvious the Brewer family is out in force defending these two hooligans. I sure would like to know why Shannon was not tried in the first stabbing case. Can you find out?
ReplyDeleteIts sad Shannon was let go to eventually kill. No hearsay there. He attacked two men and killed one and his family takes up for him. Who would have thought our world would have come to this?
His sister has made several comments about her younger brother, specifically remembering him as a two-year old. We assume she still thinks of him as someone she has to protect. We do feel for her and her family, but we feel much more for the Dishon family who will never have again have him with them.
DeleteShannon's family and friends are not saying things couldn't have went another way but how many times have you done something because of a decision that had to be made in the blink of an eye. Shannon felt as though his life was in danger with Mr. Dishon and he did what he thought he had to. Mr. Dishon's family is in the Brewer's family's prayers each night as are the brothers. All the Brewer family wants is the truth to be told and not lies.
DeleteI'm not saying that he didn't do it. The Facebook page was made by the family to support the boys. I think there is a lot more to the story than the news is letting on. From what I've been told, Jerry wasn't even at the scene. He was picked up later. People keep saying the Brewer boys did this. No, one of them did. That wasn't even the point of my first post. My point was that you should stop stealing pictures from their sister to use on your blog.
ReplyDeleteAs far as we know, you are absolutely right about that. If you have read our blogs, you would see we indicated Jerry will face only charges of theft. We will add he could also face charges of helping a fugitive to escape. Jerry obviously made a serious mistake when he decided to help his brother, but, depending on his previous record, he may be given probation and can get his life straight.
DeleteShannon's sister wants me to let you know that she has apologized to the Dishon family and there are no hard feelings between them. As far as her protecting her brother...wouldn't you protect yours? I know I would do anything for mine. She is just trying to help gather funds for him and let him tell his side of the story. What's wrong with that?
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is linking blogs, one written by a man who raped an 11 year-old girl, which promote lies. That blog aside (we have some pretty thick skin, especially when it come to what sex offenders think of us), she has also linked what Shoals bloggers generally call a "rogue" blog which has accused at least 10 people of being "Shoalanda" and presenting falsehoods about most of them. We don't wish to be her enemy, but neither do we choose to help her in her quest to fund her brothers' defense.
ReplyDeleteI understand but didn't you do the same thing?
ReplyDeleteI am not sure I understand your comment completely. The individuals the blogs in question wrote about have not been arrested for anything, and most are not public personages.
DeleteThe Brewer brothers have been arrested and are now living on taxpayer money. Also, when indicted, you will notice the official document will say they have committed crimes against the citizens of Alabama. That's all of us.
We published an account by someone who says he was attacked by Shannon and filed a police report at the time. As we said earlier, now that the problem of the links on the Brewer page has been taken care of, we will be happy to publish any rebuttal anyone wishes to send us.
To answer your question about who leaked when they were getting transported back to Florence. It was on the news. Which the Brewer family was unhappy about as well. It would have been very easy for someone to shoot one of them just like you said.
ReplyDeleteSholanda, please keep us informed of upcoming court dates concerning this trial. Since Mr, Dishon does not have any family in this area I would like to be an advocate for him.
ReplyDeleteI will make sure to post what D.K. sends in, as well as send yours via FB.
DeleteYou know I do not understand how you could actually let it come out of your mouth that that woman should get a medal for stabbing slugo two wrongs does not make a right, and then you have the audasity to make fun of him after he is dead. What kind of person are you? Regardless of what he did or what he did not do he has a mother a good person and he had children and whether or not he took care of them he was their dad. In the Bible Jesus said "Those without sin, cast the first stone."
ReplyDeleteLet's see...we believe Slugo was killed while attempting to murder someone--just a little different. Their dad? No, that makes him a sperm donor.
DeleteSo what are they going to do about Ronnie Willis and his loose lips sinking whatever they sink?