Saturday, August 25, 2012

Murderer v. Rapist?

This past week saw an interesting debate spring up in Shoals cyberspace: Who's more of a danger to society--a murderer or a rapist? Some questioned why convicted rapists have to register, while convicted murderers don't. We're going to speculate that anyone who asks that question hasn't really considered it at length.

Ask any police officer, and chances are he'll tell you that murderers are some of the nicest people you'll ever least of those who make their way through our judicial system. Both crimes are extremely personal, but barring the occasional mad dog bank robber or psychopath, an individual won't kill at random. Many who've committed the crime of murder will state they were driven to it in some fashion. We're not advocating murder as a way to settle a neighborly dispute or end a marriage, but we do say those who commit the crime are not likely to re-offend. One cannot say the same of a rapist.

If you suspect a rapist or other sex offender is not living at his registered address, by all means report it to the proper authorities. Be aware of your neighbors and your surroundings. Visit the Alabama Sex Offender site; it's there for a reason--use it.


We've had a request to add more crime blogs to our links section. If you know of an interesting site featuring ne'er-do-wells, please forward it to us. Here's a new site that promises to be interesting:



  1. I have been cyber bullied on a blog created by a Lauderdale sex offender Richard Gooch and his wife Phyllis Gooch because I put a link to Quad Cities Daily's list of sex offenders on my facebook page. If you did the crime and the time, be prepared to pay for it! Something is seriously wrong with this pair of criminals. I think the blog author is dangerous to themself and others.

    1. You are not alone. At one time we planned to enumerate their "mistakes" in claims against others, but decided that publishing them would only exacerbate what their targets were having to suffer.

      Everyone makes mistakes. We try to correct any errors that we publish. Sadly this group of three or four delight in falsehoods, simply changing their stories if an "error" is brought to their attention. We're thinking a class action lawsuit might be called for.
