Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"A Diamond in the Rough" -- That's Us

“I believe the Shoals area is a diamond in the rough that has not been discovered,” ... “An important part of our success will be to help the economic builders, the industries, find the Shoals." Doug Arnold, new CEO for Helen Keller Hospital

Doug Arnold, all smiles in his common-man polo shirt, has pronounced the Shoals a diamond in the rough. We're not sure if Mr. Arnold felt he was the first to utter these words or not. For the record, he wasn't.

Florence and the Shoals hadn't been found when its history was printed in the late 19th Century. Nor had it been found when Henry Ford visited. It was still hiding from national view when FDR came to call. JFK? Same song. Yellow Creek? We could stop there before you become any more depressed with this topic, but we feel obligated to mention Dr. David Bronner.

He was going to make it happen. We (You and I and Leo and Una and everyone else) believed him. We still have a chance with National Alabama, don't we? All we here at Shoalanda can do is give an opinion, but miracles do happen. We're just not sure they're going to happen in Barton, Alabama, in the 21st Century.


From the Shoals Democratic Club:

Labor Day
is just around the corner
Join Democrats and Shoals area Labor Organizations
on Labor Day to mark the holiday that recognizes the
importance of the American worker!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Parade in Downtown Tuscumbia, 10:00 a.m.
Festivities in Spring Park, 11:00 a.m.
Did you that Democratic U.S. President Grover Cleveland signed the legislation making the first Monday in September Labor Day?
Labor Day constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.
