Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stanley Elkins--Another Brick in the Wall has Fallen

Since Noah Stanley Elkins passed away last week in his 86th year of life, much has been written and spoken about him. Many of us here have commented on Stanley's professional behavior at all times--he came out of semi-retirment to personally help some of us when we unexpectedly lost a loved one. His work with the Alabama Eye Bank was invaluable.

There is one aspect of Stanley's life that has not been mentioned. As a three-time Lauderdale County Coroner, he always ran as a Democrat. In that era, it was almost a given that a Democrat would automatically be elected to any position for which he or she ran.

Interestingly enough, this can still hold true for many offices in Lauderdale, Colbert, and Franklin Counties; but it's changing. With the death of Stanley Elkins, another brick in the solid Democratic front of this area has fallen.

The end of an era is always sad. Our sincerest sympathies to Mr. Elkins' family.

More thanks: While on the subject of Mr. Elkins, we offer thanks to another who has served this area for many years. Carl Zills worked closely with Stanley Elkins and always gave selflessly of himself in others' time of need.
