Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sheffield's Obligations Not Kept


Someone has asked why the outdoor Sheffield pool is closed again this year. Unfortunately, from statements made by the city's recreation director, we may infer it will never reopen. 

If you have strong opinions on the replacement choice of skateboard park, dog park, or splash pad, now is the time to express them to city hall. Or is it; will any decisions be made before the 2025 municipal elections?

One reason for the closing seems to be that revenue from the pool would take decades to pay for any needed repairs. Is that the way the city should look at it? Does the the small town owe its citizens an outdoor pool?

What are the basic responsibilities of a small town? According to most sources, these are the must-haves of small town government:

Police Protection

Fire Protection


Good roads

How is Sheffield doing in these four areas? The only one we haven't heard widely criticized is fire protection. 

Send your comments to us, and we'll publish them anonymously.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding Sheffield's horrific streets: I would like to know of anyone that has successfully sued a city for automobilw damage caused by defective city streets.
