Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Allen Caddell Must Really Love to Hurt Children


Allen Caddell is currently serving as the interim mayor of Waterloo. He's also someone who seemingly likes to hurt children. In other words, he may not be a sexual predator, but he's certainly perverted enough to have to exercise control over and diminish the lives of children who never caused him any pain. What do you call someone like that? 

You may remember that several months ago, Caddell closed the small town's free library. At that time, he also removed "Loo," a rock snake that children who used the facility had contributed to.

Here's a picture of Loo at the height of his career:

Each rock was painted by a child who cared, by a little one who put his all into it (maybe with a little help from his mom). The mayor in all his glorious vindictiveness took Loo apart. We had assumed that Loo had finally been moved to the town's new library. We were wrong.

Caddell couldn't refuse an opportunity to hurt the town's children. Why is he so bitter?

Let's take a closer look at him:

1. Flea infested bird's nest on his head. Where did he order that? Temu?

2. Beady eyes that appear to glow green in the dark.

3. Long crooked nose that looks good only on Halloween.

4. Sagging double chin that even a mother couldn't love.

Do those descriptions sound harsh? Think about what he took from the children of Waterloo. 

Oh, here's his latest photo:

1 comment:

  1. Caddell should step down as mayor. Remember what Jesus said about how one treats the little ones. If he won't step down, he should have half the town run against him. He probably treats the over 80s the same way.
