Tuesday, May 28, 2024

All Those Bugattis in the Meal Barrel Line


Someone asked us about those receiving food from the Meal Barrel:

Also this fancy car (photo of large truck) for poverty stricken people; this just happened to be on the live feed. Not taking any side, but there should be some sort of order in giving away food, because there are usually some really nicer cars in that line up.

From Penny Freeman:

We do get a lot of people talking about the cars in the line being very nice. I’ve let these comments pass for many years, honestly because I didn’t see the need to address them. But in light of the attention that we’ve been receiving, and the amazing work that people are doing on a weekly basis, I felt the need to give credit where credit was due. So, the Neighbors Helping Neighbors initiative was formally launched.

What does that mean?

Often neighbors and friends will pick up food for those who need it - not themselves. The photo our reader sent (we chose not to publish it) was a 65K truck. We know someone who picks up food for his sister in such a vehicle.

We have from time to time picked up food in Lauderdale County for a neighbor who lost his part-time job during COVID. We doubt that anyone complained about our ancient Taurus.

You never know who the food is for or what put them in the circumstances that they've found themselves. If anyone is abusing the program, we feel it's better to feed nine affluent families than not to feed someone who truly needs it.


  1. Actually, that brings up another point. Where is family in this? IF I could afford a 65 thousand dollar truck my sister and her family sure as heck would not have to depend on handouts from others for food.

    1. Perhaps the woman felt more comfortable taking food from a charity than from her brother...and his wife.

    2. That would make no sense. Family helps family, and that would leave more for the truly needy folks. Also, their nonchalant attitude towards people taking advantage of the program is bothersome to anyone that might consider contributing to their cause.
