Saturday, May 11, 2024

2023's "Everyone Has Same Value" Bill Now


In 2023, the Alabama Legislature almost unanimously passed legislation that a person with a disability couldn't automatically be denied an organ transplant or similar surgery. The bill basically assured that a disabled person would not be denied access to the list of those waiting for an organ, not that they would be selected by the hospital's committee when an organ was available.

So far, we've not heard of any disabled patients gaining an organ while an able-bodied person lost out and lost his/her life. As we read the bill, it was mainly feel-good legislation and accomplished absolutely nothing.

Snuggled inside the bill was a statement that one Alabama life was not worth more than another. Really? Let's say there's one organ and two matching patients waiting for surgery. One is a man with a large family and an important job with NASA. The other is a man sitting on death row. 

Would it be difficult for you to decide which patient receives the transplant?

Let's assume a second case is a mother who teaches school and volunteers for civic projects. The other match is a woman who will unfortunately die within 18 months from a second medical problem.

Is it difficult to determine the better use of the organ in the above case?

Yet now the families of the inmate and terminally ill patient can possibly sue the hospital which failed to choose their loved one. This is another tangled mess our lawmakers have created. Comments wanted.

But don't think this issue stops here. More to follow...

U.S. Prisoner Given New Heart

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