Friday, May 3, 2024

Does Our Legislature Know Why the Answer is "The Bear?"


We would like to know how many of our male state legislators were shocked/surprised that almost all women would prefer to meet a wild bear in the woods to meeting an unknown man. Why is it a shock?

We have one presidential candidate accused of being a rapist while the other is accused of being an exhibitionist sniffer.

We have a state representative serving part of Colbert County who thinks a woman who has had an induced abortion should be put to death.

The governor of Texas announced he would eliminate the crime of rape in his state by the end of 2021.

In July 2022, at least six U.S. Representatives stated they didn't know it was possible for a ten year-old girl to become pregnant (one of them was female). 

Cheap shot, but if Gov. Gregg Abbott of Texas thinks he can ever eliminate rape anywhere, that tree damaged more than his spine...

Running on Schedule. Got Time to Attack Three Women, Two Children, and a Bear!

1 comment:

  1. Did Philip Pettus or Tim Melson answer this? Why do they and so many men support rapists and not their victims?
