Sunday, May 26, 2024

Steve Stanley Continues to Fail Sheffield Where it Counts


Sheffield Mayor Steve Stanley has previously stated the city couldn't keep up with basic garbage collection. Above is the perfect example of this on a City curb. 

Every home paying utilities should have at least one wheelie bin for garbage/trash! Furthermore, citizens should use them. The above wasn't sent to us by our blogger J. Redmon, but a Sheffeild citizen who's tired of the state of his neighborhood and the lack of basic services.

One strong wind and most of the above trash will be decorating several homes on the street. It's time for Stanley and the council to earn their pay.


Now...recycling. We believe Sheffield has some basic recycling programs. Cardboard boxes like the ones pictured above should go in either an individual or a neighborhood bin. 

If there are no bins, you can purchase a simple box cutter at the DG and use it to break down these boxes to place in the garbage bins. It's not rocket surgery!

1 comment:

  1. If you look closely you'll see a 'hole' beneath the curbside garbage . This 'hole', and a host of others like it across Sheffield, is the result of damage done by the 'boom truck' used to collect such refuse.
