Wednesday, May 15, 2024

If John Wahl Lies about One Thing...


The story:

A woman runs a stop sign for whatever reason.

A man who had the right-of-way taps his horn and flashes his lights.

Both vehicles then continue to the same parking lot.

The woman who ran the stop sign then curses the wife of the other driver and pulls her shirt as she stood outside her vehicle.

The wife then punches the first woman.

Both women call authorities.

Never at any time was Trump's name or the name of any political candidate ever mentioned.

The above account comes from Athens law enforcement. It's dramatically different from John Wahl's. One is lying, but which one?

If John Wahl, a butterfly farmer who thinks you're making fun of him and his family when you mention the term Anabaptist, would lie about one thing to get some press, what else would he lie about?

And the four people involved in the Athens altercation? We're pretty sure no one is ever going to invite any of them to high tea.


Wondering what an Anabaptist is? According to one source, Anabaptists are divided into three groups - Amish, Mennonite, and Hutterite.

Introducing Wild Willie's Latest - Flea Spray!

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