Saturday, May 18, 2024

Inspiration Landing 2.0


A Muscle Shoals resident tells us what he really thinks:

Inspiration Landing 2.0 - The Muscle Shoals Version

Muscle Shoals City Council - What ARE you thinking ?    You are proposing a 65 MILLION Dollar Project at a time of Rampant Inflation around the World, when people are struggling to put Overpriced Food on their table and you Yahoos are apparently oblivious to it all !   Don't you currently have around $2,000. in your City Coffers ?  Who are you pandering to with this 'Thing' ?   It sure as heck isn't being done for the 'Good' of the Citizens.  They deserve better.

How are you going to pay for this 'Boondoggle' ?   Float a Bond ?  In other words, Borrow, then Borrow some more.  And then, you say "The Retail facilities" that you'll build will pay the Loans.  Have you looked around lately ?  Retail throughout this country is Crashing - Everywhere !  Major 'Anchor' Stores and entire Malls are closing with many more to follow.  Are you so insulated that all of you City Bureaucrats are unaware of the Real World out there ?   

I find it almost funny that, after decades of Ignoring the rich Music History of the Muscle Shoals 'Sound' to the World, you NOW choose to highlight it by proposing a 1000 person arena.  What's that  'Thing'  behind City Hall .....wasn't that supposed to be a Music Amphitheater ?   A Venue that was Over-budget  (you took a chunk of money from the City Library Funds to finish it), Delayed, built with Inadequate Parking, no Bathrooms Facilities, no Food Concession Booths and a Noise Annoyance to Neighborhoods nearby.  Your judgement is a joke - A Bad Joke !! 

If the Muscle Shoals City Council continues to pursue this whole Farcical Project, you will bring about several things .... You will break the City financially, ultimately causing State and/or Federal intervention, you will forever win the Disgust of every Citizen, you will gain attention throughout the World as an Ignorant  'Backwater City' out-of-touch with Reality and lastly, but most importantly will Tax the Citizens to a point where many will prefer to leave altogether and forever. 

Muscle Shoals Citizens .....Unless you stand up to these Fools you voted for, and tell them "No", you will allow them to run over your Best Interests and your Future.  A city this size CANNOT survive the Ego-driven Dreams of Fools.  Wake Up !!  Go to their meetings - Tell them  "NO" before they ruin Muscle Shoals .....for good this time. 

Video of the Wimpy Mayor's announcement:     City of Muscle Shoals announces $65 million sports, entertainment facility  

1 comment:

  1. Awww, c'mon! Somebody had to take the heat off of Sheffield's municipal idots.
