Thursday, May 30, 2024

Social Security Pundit Says Tommy Lied


Would our state senator Tommy Tuberville lie to us? We once knew a very wise man who said he wouldn't come out and say a member of a small Lauderdale town council had lied, but he was a politician...and all politicians lie. Nowhere is this more true than with our Tommy.

From Breton Smith of the Heartland Institute: 

For its part, the Social Security Administration produces clear documentation debunking the notion that the money was used to pay for other government priorities. The agency’s reports show that every penny of the FICA tax ever collected from Americans has been distributed to eligible retirees.Any member of Congress who doubts that information has a duty to step-up and call for an investigation.

There's more in Smith's rebuttal of Tuberville, but the above paragraph pretty much sums up Tommy's big lie.

So Tuberville's been called a liar. Some veterans' groups have called him a thief. And his first wife? You guessed it - adulterer. 

Wonder if that congregation in Auburn that Tommy attends when he's "home" practices disfellowship?


  1. He should never had been elected to start with. But, you know that in Alabama if there is a R on your label, you will be elected regardless of qualification.

  2. Name ONE POSITIVE THING Marxist Dems have contributed to Alabama.
