Tomorrow, Pamela Casey is scheduled to become Alabama's youngest female district attorney. Pam will be sworn in as the Republican District Attorney for the 41st District; speaking at the ceremony will be K K Edgill-Hargett of Muscle Shoals. Look for Pam to become an influence in state politics in the near future. We're predicting a run for Lt. Governor in 4 to 8 years down the road.
Sex offender activist Derek Warren Logue has announced he's returning to Ohio to live. Why? It seems the cost of living in Sheffield is just too high. Sheffield? Sheffield, Alabama?
Are you a fan of Paranormal State, the A&E series that chronicles regional spirits? It seems the show just finished filming this past Wednesday at controversial ante bellum mansion Sweetwater. When word leaked out locally, several individuals attempted to observe the filming, much to the dismay of those currently in control of Sweetwater. Angela Zills, "historical archivist" for the old Weeden Home, quickly posted on the site's Facebook page, "Closed Set!" Who knew ghosts needed so much privacy?
O.B.'s Corner has just posted Sweetwater...Fail...Part II.