...and if you can't, you didn't accidentally wander into the throngs flocking to Sax in the City or the car load of Kudzu Queens. The temperature is actually bearable, so there's no excuse not to make as many events as possible.
Here's the schedule for this year: W. C. Handy Festival 2009
Since our column yesterday on Good Samaritan Hospice, we've been inundated with e-mails from former employees. According to most, yes, their last pay check did indeed bounce, and this was hardly the least flattering comment most had to make concerning their former employer. Obviously, accusations are just that until they've been documented, but we hope to bring you an update on the Good Samaritan bankruptcy in the future.
Shoalanda Speaks in now on Facebook. If you haven't joined that social networking sight, we think you'll like it. We've discovered one advantage already--we get to read Jim Fisher's computer column a day early. See you there.