Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If You Can't Take Care of Your Disabled Child...

The only individuals who know the anguish and hardships of taking care of a disabled child are those who are that position. You or I may think we know how we would react, but do we really?

Certainly, everyone has a great big pat on the back for a parent who is the only, or at least primary, caregiver to a child with multiple disabilities, but that's were it usually ends. Not too many "concerned individuals" are willing to give of their time to help this mother or father in their daily lives.

So, how do these caregivers make it? First, they have no time for themselves, but that is their decision. Second, they have no time for their spouse or other children. That's when it becomes more problematic.

Many readers of this blog and various forums that I visit are quick to condemn Christie Bray Scott for murdering her handicapped son. Let me stress here, she has not yet been convicted, but the evidence seems overwhelming that she did it. Several have said she should have just given Mason to someone who could have taken care of him properly. If she had done so, what would the public have said then? I'll wager it wouldn't have been kudos.

One of the finest Christian women I've ever known, the late Ferrill Hill, once told me the best thing she ever did for her family was to place her mentally disabled son Billy in a home. She was then able to concentrate on her marriage and her two healthy children who needed her. Billy was happy with those who were similar to him and actually had a better quality of life in a group home.

If you are in the position of caring for such a child, if you feel that the child is not receiving proper care, if you feel that your family is suffering because of it, please don't let others outside your family influence you in this decision. I know I would not personally think less of you; I would think a great deal more.


We see Russellville Det. Scotty Lowery has removed his Bud Light aluminum bottle from his profile...

What's up with this: The Christie Bray Scott trial is sure to continue well past July 6th. Judge Terry Dempsey is scheduled to officiate at the Keith McGuire rape trial in Lauderdale County on July 20th. All concerned hope there will be no more delays.