CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for Children has arrived in Colbert County. Thanks to Karen Snead and Tina Miller Parker, juveniles in the Colbert County court system will now have the same opportunities as their Lauderdale counterparts to obtain guidance and the extra help they need during a trying time in their lives.
While the CASA support organization already has over 100 members, the office itself still lacks a permanent facility. If you have an appropriate office space for rent, or even better, to donate, please contact their temporary headquarters at 335-0726 or Executive Director Karen Snead at casacolbertcounty@gmail.com. All donations are tax deductible.
Thanks, Karen and Tina, for all your efforts on behalf of Colbert County youth.
What's up with this: Paige McWilliams, former Cherokee librarian, is getting a lot of attention on librarian web sites these days--not so much for her legal problems as her first name. Well, humor is where you find it.