Shoals attorney Tina Miller Parker is having a picnic this Saturday and wants to see you there! We understand there will be a special announcement for all citizens of Colbert County, plus plenty of food, sodas, and entertainment. We've even heard rumors of karaoke, so you might want to bring the throat spray and plan to join in.
For more information about the event, please visit this link.
Two or Tina's favorite causes, animal welfare and the eradication of violence against women, have long been at the top of our list also. We feel sure that once you meet Tina you'll become a fan just as we are.
Besides Tina, you can expect to visit with Brad Holmes, announced candidate for Alabama House of Representatives, and several other local politicians who are eager to hear what Shoals citizens have to say about problems facing this area. Now is the time to make your voice heard, as well as have a good time with friends both old and new. We hope to see you there.
What's up with this: We understand authorities are looking into just who leaked information concerning the subpoenas of accused rapist Keith McGuire's phone records. It's beginning to look like the McGuire trial may prove as riveting as that of Christie Bray Scott.