Somehow after Sarah Palin announced she no longer wanted to be the Governor of Alaska, it's fitting that Hermon T. Graham has announced his candidacy to succeed Rep. Tammy Irons in the State House. Graham currently serves as Florence City Councilman for District 3, largely located in the Eastern end of the city.
Graham has previously stated he was being encouraged to run for state representative, although he never bothered to mention the names of those who were doing the encouraging. Graham's district is one of the most economically depressed in Florence, and it's quite possible the good councilman has grown tired of it.
It was only a few years ago that Graham butted heads with Martin Dean, Scott Carrier, and several concerned East Florence residents over the proposed Bass Pro Shop to be located in District 3. When Graham refused to address his constituency's concerns, they proceeded to take the matter into their own hands. Graham's reaction: How dare they?
From the June 2, 2006 TimesDaily:
In the message, Graham said Dean should not have called for a meeting "about things in other people's district(s)," Carrier said.
"I don't approve of having (a) meeting in my district I represent, (when) I'm out of town," Graham stated on the message. "He's playing with fire and whoever is helping him is, too."
Carrier said Graham's message indicated that residents need Graham's permission to assemble in the district Graham represents.
We're sure we're not alone in the belief that a representative should represent, not thwart the will of the district he serves. Considering the amount of the interest in the District I seat, we doubt Hermon T. Graham will be a viable contender.
Quote of the day: “Some people would be better off with poor eye sight than more credit.” - Bobby W. Miller, Florence Author