Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do You Tweet?

Even if you don't tweet, perhaps you'd like to learn more about Twitter, the latest in social networking sites. Now, I'm sure many of you are asking what this has to do with the Shoals.

It seems there are a multitude of sub-groups in Twitter, and Corey O'Conner has formed the Shoals Area Twitter group. For all that's up to date with the Shoals or UNA, simply visit the SA here:

Perhaps you'd like to take it one step farther and create your own account. The more the merrier, but when you post any Shoals or UNA info, be sure to precede those two identifiers with a hash mark (#) to be included in the Shoals Area site. There you'll find updates from the TimesDaily, mugdotcom, and...oh, yes, Shoalanda.

See you there!

What's up with this: If you do start your own Twitter group, be sure to let us know. Another recent local addition is shoalsbiz.