Friday, June 28, 2024

"TimesDaily" Motto? "Our Priorities Are Always Skewed"


A critic of Florence government has also recently been highly critical of our local rag the TimesDaily. We agree; we've never seen the news outlet question those in control of local governments or institutions. Since we've been writing this blog, we've seen two writers quickly leave the scene when they wrote something that didn't reflect well on the area.

When citizens should be encouraged to attend the next Florence Council meeting, what do we get? A fluff piece on a group that wants to kill gays, demean women, and create a vast financial empire both here and across the pond while the poor suffer. Yes, TD readers have just been treated to another article on the woes and wonders of the Salvationists.


We used to worry about Mitt Romney becoming president because he wore Mormon "holy" underwear. Ahhh, those were the days...

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