Saturday, June 22, 2024

Thirty Arrests in Nine Years...Now This


Note: This parasite on society once broke into a home belonging to a friend. This commentary will in no way be without bias.

Michael Joe Kirkland Jr. - He's had 30 separate arrests in Florence/Lauderdale since 2015. That's arrests; he's had well over 100 charges. Now he's back in the news.

On Saturday, he broke into the home of two women. One was 76; the other was 79. We don't know their health status, but at 34, Kirkland could have easily overpowered them. He likes to prey on women. Perhaps there are those at the LCDC who like to prey on men like Kirkland.

Now he's specifically charged with Burglary, Theft, Assault, and Sodomy, all in the first degree. He's being held without bond at this time. 

As we've mentioned before, indictments often up First Degree Assault charges to Attempted Murder. We sincerely hope that's the case here. This man does not deserve to see the light of day for the next seventy-five years or so.

We don't have any updates on the conditions of Kirkland's two victims. The older woman is at UAB, and we're sure both will have hospital bills that Kirkland will never be able to reimburse. If anyone starts a GoFundMe for the victims, please let us know.

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