Monday, June 3, 2024

Eppy Lee Says Use Plan B


We've recently had a new commenter on our blog - Eppy Lee. Eppy falls into the category of possible troll, but she (we believe it's actually a he) has asked why all rape victims can't use Plan B birth control. Many women are too upset to report their rape or so young that they take their rapists threats against reporting seriously. Therefore, not all go to a medical provider who prescribes the birth control.

Remember: If you're a victim of rape and of child-bearing age, you need to take Plan B as soon as possible.

Where do you find the product? Only CVS shows up on Google Shopping as a local brick and mortar store for the product. A more thorough search indicates that Walmart Pharmacy does carry it and at a lower price. Plan B has a 1% to 2% failure rate, even if taken within 24 hours.

The states of Idaho and Missouri have expressed interest in banning the med (say what!), but so far no U.S. states have placed any limitations on the drug which has been around for decades. As of now, one can purchase it for $50.00 or much less. Let's hope no one reading this has to use this contraceptive.

One caveat is timing. We've known of several women who have been held hostage by sadistic men (see our most recent Hidden Shoals on Richard Franklin Gooch). While it's worth a try, the chances of success with Plan B after that length of time fall dramatically.


  1. Ah, troll. So, anyone with an idea you don't like has to be a troll. Years ago, I read this site, and then it wasn't my cup of tea, and honestly, I thought it was long gone until a friend mentioned it and out of curiosity I came and looked. I didn't know that suggesting other ways to help rape victims would upset you so. I thought the point of a blog was discussion and information and having people come to your blog. I'm sure that is what advertisers want. I am female, I worked in Women's Health for a while and retired from the ER. I didn't ask any such thing as why they could not use plan B and I did not tell anyone what to use. I merely pointed out the product is available and is used and valuable in cases of rape. Why kill the child when you could prevent conception? Speaking about percentages, between the low percentage of rapes that lead to pregnancy, and the low percentage of failure of Plan B, I would say Plan B offers pretty good odds of stopping a pregnancy. IF not, an abortion could still be done before the pregnancy advanced.
    The product is at drug stores, Walmart, and Target, plus other places. Good bye.

    1. Well...there were your comments on those who use the Meal Barrel, etc. If you're not a troll, don't do a few hits, then run.
