Friday, June 14, 2024

Once Again, Andy is Wrong


The owner of Florence Mall is tearing down the end anchor slots, the former Sears and J.C. Penney stores. While this is an interesting story in itself, a comment by Mayor Andy Betterton is newsworthy for other reasons.

Betterton told the TimesDaily: The mall opened in the early 1970s.

While most people may not remember when every major local event happened, they can at least place most fairly accurately by associating them with other events in their lives. According to his LinkedIn bio, Betterton attended UNA from 1971 until 1976. What year did the mall open?

It opened its doors in August 1978, two years after Andy says he left UNA. Most of us would have remembered not having a mall during our college years if that had been the case, but not our mayor. Still others would have invested the five or so minutes to have looked up the date if unsure. Not Andy.

Betterton doesn't seem too concerned with the handwriting on the retail wall at Florence Square. Now there's less revenue for city, county, and state as far as property taxes, and no hope for new tenants in stores that no longer exist.

How are those surprise liquor taxes going, Andy?


  1. Why is it easier to have winning SEC football teams than decent mayors? Asking for a friend...

  2. Or do the winning football team coaches pick the mayors ? Asking for another friend.
