Sunday, June 9, 2024

Lauderdale License Commissioner's Office is a Clown Show


From a Lauderdale reader:

I'm going to try to stick with the bad treatment I've seen directed at other citizens, but I HAVE to mention this incident. Years ago (long before Pettus) I tried to get a title on a vehicle I had inherited from out of state. The clerk asked if my relative planned on driving it again. I had to reply that I was pretty sure my cousin planned on remaining dead.

On to Rodney Pettus, who I'm told is the brother of that skalawag Philip Pettus, I've recently seen the following in his office -

It took two clerks to run the reception desk. Who's paying them? Oh, yeah, us.

A clerk told a customer his tag was due on Sept. 31st.

A clerk asked a customer to bring his vehicle up under the "awning" since she didn't feel like walking all the way to the parking lot. Then, I swear, she couldn't get out of her chair without help.

A clerk walked away from a customer and didn't come back. Finally some pioneer looking person came to help the couple.

This isn't a government office, it's a clown show. 

Sigh...that's sad, but just look at the photo of Pettus. He's a county department head and he's dressed for polo. Maybe it was casual Friday?

Before we place all the blame for an inferior state on our legislature, perhaps we should take a look at our counties.


  1. Looking at Pettus, pretty sure he won't be around next term. Hope his brother isn't either. The citizens deserve better.

  2. We have the Jordan family in the city and the Pettus family in the county....NEXT ELECTION in both jurisdictions why not send the entire
    "family" circus packing and maybe they will MOVE!
