Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Stanley Hides Behind Sanford; Ian Contradicts Himself


An Actual Sheffield Pothole from March 2018

Did Steve Stanley defend himself at the latest town council meeting? No...he had Ian Sanford speak for him. This is a new one on us. Who will be speaking at the next meeting? Andy Betterton?

The powers that be knew to circle the wagons at the meeting; Sheffield citizens would be attending in record numbers. Their solution was to have a former mayor speak to calm the natives? Where was Steve Stanley during all this? Hiding in the men's room?

Sanford at one time stated the current Meal Barrel location was being used rent free. Then he announced it was actually being rented out at $100.00 a year. Which is it?

While we admit that a C-note isn't much these days, the next time we see Ian with his latest squeeze (they come and go) at a local restaurant, we're going to pretend to be his server just for the tip.

Then Ian really put his foot in his two-sided mouth when he stated the Meal Barrel served many who didn't live in Sheffield, so the City government shouldn't be expected to provide or help search for a facility. In case anyone doesn't know, Sheffield has the lowest yearly income and highest unemployment of any of the Shoals' four largest towns.

Sheffield, your leadership is non-existent. How many lawsuits does it now have filed against it...and the police department?

Make some noise!


  1. That's not a pothole. That's a sinkhole. It's indicative of a broken waterman or sewer line, neither of which would be a surprise in Sheffield.

  2. How does Ian even find time to speak at council meetings? Why is he defending Steve? Something isn't right.

  3. Kind of reminds one of B.O.'s pulling of FJB's strings...
