Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Head of Southern Baptist Seminary Says IVF is "Immoral"


We once read an article that mentioned Southern Baptists at one time laughed at the Catholic Church and its teaching on induced abortion. We know that the Baptists' own literature up until the end of the 1980s declared that such things were up to the individual. 

Now the head of the Southern Baptist Seminary, Dr. Albert Mohler, has declared IVF to be an "assault upon human dignity" and "immoral." Mohler also mentions his belief that fertilization is tantamount to conception. Is it?

From Rachel Gold: The question of when life begins is an eternal one, debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries, and likely destined to forever elude consensus. However, on the separate but closely related question of when a woman is considered pregnant, the medical community has long been clear: Pregnancy is established when a fertilized egg has been implanted in the wall of a woman's uterus.

Unless they're doing something down at UAB that we don't know about, absolutely NO embryos are going to progress to a fetus unless they're implanted in a uterus. Nada. Zilch.

We don't know if Dr. Mohler does much pulpit preaching, but we can only imagine how hurtful it would be for a child who owed its existence to IVF to have to hear that they should never have been born. Our advice to those children? Mohler probably couldn't find a uterus on an OB/GYN's office wall, so don't worry about it.

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