Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Roy Moore & Some Common Sense

Are you embarrassed that Roy Moore has been elected to state office not once, but twice? We are. His latest faux pas is telling Time magazine that it's a federal law to stand for the national anthem.

While we admit that our nation, state, and even county governments have some flaky laws from time to time, how could Moore even suggest such a thing? If, under the First Amendment, it's legal to burn, tread on, or expectorate on the U.S. flag, why would it be against a federal law to remain sitting during the national anthem?

Also, all law is codified with punishments for the breaking thereof. Where is the punishment for such an act written? 

Remember, Roy Moore has a juris doctorate. He constantly refers to the Second Amendment, while espousing abuse of the First. Moore also continues to assume the title "judge" even though he's no longer entitled to it. 

Send Moore to the Senate? Why don't we send him to "Illinois, Indiana -- up there" where he can defend the country from Sharia law.



Great turn by Louis Armstrong:

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