Justin Matthew Green...if you're known by the company you keep, at least three of Green's closest FB friends are abusers of women. Justin is special; he adds children to the mix.
Now he's been accused of being unable to explain bruising on his daughter, you know, the one who's still living. His older daughter being still dead and all.
There was a time we fervently hoped men like this would grow up and become productive citizens. Now that we've lived over a century or so, we know that's not possible. Now we merely hope they'll move away from the Shoals until they're too infirm to cause any more physical damage.
(You can enter his name in the search bar at top left and find many other blogs with more information...assuming you have a strong stomach)
A friend currently living in Murphreesboro has sent us this:

Prayers for murfreesboro. ♡