Larry Fisher is a Shoals native, US military veteran, retired retailer, political activist, and Southern gentleman. It's the latter attribute that catapulted him into a situation he never anticipated.
Born in the Shoals, Larry enlisted in the Air Force after finishing school. After eight years of serving his country, he worked in retail for 38 years. His career in sales was varied; at one time Larry owned seven clothing stores in Mississippi. Most recently he worked as a retail consultant from 2000 to 2004, traveling around the country overseeing going-out-of-business sales.
Since 2004, Larry and his wife of 49 years have been retired and living in Shreveport, Louisiana. The couple have three successful children: His daughter is a banker in Texas; one son is an attorney in Florida, and another son owns a mortgage company in Shreveport. Larry proudly states he has four grandchildren, ages 18, 14, nine, and two.
If you think Larry is now content to rest on his accumulated laurels, nothing could be farther from his current life. Larry has become a political activist and isn't shy about voicing his opinions, political or otherwise. A niece who resides in Muscle Shoals describes Larry as "very political, and opinionated and outspoken."
It was a mixture of Larry's activism and genteel upbringing that recently caused the former Shoals resident some egregiously unfair criticism. On the morning of September 27th, Larry logged onto Facebook and began to read the posts since his last visit. A video from Sweetwater Mansion caught his eye, and after watching the brief clip, Larry felt he had to comment. In today's world of Paris Hilton soft porn hamburger commercials and airwaves filled with words that were unmentionable a generation ago, the video may have seemed innocuous to most, but to Larry Fisher, a clip involving synchronized pelvic thrusts seemed totally out of place coming from an "ante bellum mansion," a home whose renovation he was encouraging others to support.
Sweetwater promptly answered Larry, stating she thought the clip would be viewable by only a select few, but offered no apology. Larry took umbrage to the message, and thus began a surprising battle between the Sweetwater Mansion Facebook page and the retired retailer. Below are some remarks from Sweetwater's media coordinator and Florence Neighbors.
Larry would like for everyone to know that he has only one personal Facebook page, he is indeed male, he doesn't live in Tuscumbia, and he's about as real as they come. As far as his being a narcissist, we will have to ask his wife if he spends too much time in front of the mirror.
We'll add that we're unsure to what threats Ms. Bowers is referring, but Sweetwater is not a Federal landmark. The vulnerability of Sweetwater Mansion to developers is the primary reason we wish to see it safely in the hands of a legal public or private organization that will ensure future generations may enjoy it, as well as ensure all funds designated for restoration are indeed used for such.
Many have been so impressed by Larry Fisher's attitude and insight that they have created a Facebook Fan page for the former Shoals resident. You can become a fan of Larry at: