Friday, October 29, 2010

Chad Holden/EMA/Blinker Fluid

In less than one week, we'll go to the polls to elect those who will represent us for the next two to six years. Local politics have always been this blog's theme, and we want our Lauderdale readers to know that next Tuesday they'll have a chance to improve the quality of education many county children receive.

We urge you to vote for Chad Holden for Place 2 on the Lauderdale County School Board. Chad is committed to excellency in education. Moreover, he's not in anyone's pocket. That will be a big step up in itself for Lauderdale County.


If you wish to help support Lauderdale EMA Director George Grabryan, we urge you to write:

Dewey Mitchell

Chairman Lauderdale County Commission
Post Office Box 1059
Florence, AL 35631


Shoals Drivers? If we asked our readers to list their main complaint about area drivers, we're sure a large portion would say, "They must be outta blinker fluid." In that spirit, we suggest you like the following Facebook page:


There have been several reports that small animals are being poisoned and butchered in the area around Cherokee High School. We will have more on this later, but if any readers have information pertaining to these crimes, please contact us.

