Sunday, October 10, 2010

Curley Hallman?

It seems Curley Hallman, a sometime college football coach, is endorsing Tammy Irons for Alabama Senate District I. This is hardly surprising, since Ms. Irons is Hallman's second wife. After Doc's Political Parlor downloaded the ad from YouTube, there were some interesting comments. Among them:

We had intended to watch the ad at a later date, but after the "Shave" comment, we felt compelled to discover which of the Hallmans the anonymous reader was addressing. Hmmm...and Robert Bentley won't even accept an endorsement from Mitt Romney.


J. J. Ray has attempted to interview Ms. Irons, but she has not been able to work it into her schedule. He requested suggestions for questions, and we offered two; however, it appears we are forever doomed to ignorance of her opinions on these issues. More on this later in the week.


After we began honoring local heroes a few weeks ago, a reader suggested we similarly comment on local duds. While it's tempting, there's just so many out there that we might find it impossible to choose. We will leave you with a comment from our cousin:

If you consider a brilliant and heroic man the village idiot because he chooses to follow God, then you're a real Dud - Lee Speaks

(If any should need elucidation on this comment, please e-mail us. We'll be more than happy to offer a detailed private translation.)
