From reading the above poster, one would think Sweetwater Mansion, aka the Weeden Home, will now be open to the public, but according to Cypress Realty representative Martin Dean, that's not quite the case. It seems the floor of the decaying edifice will not support large groups; the tours that are to commence on October 9th are of the grounds only. For those who may not be aware, the picture displayed prominently in the poster is from 1935. Sadly the old Weeden Home no longer bears even a passing resemblance to the the above photograph.
That brings us to the purpose of the "Haunted Tours," said to benefit the Sweetwater Mansion Restoration Fund. Currently the home is owned by Susan Leigh Smithson of Atlanta; Smithson is asking nine million dollars for the house and remaining 22 acres of land. Any funds raised by the tours will be used to refurbish the old mansion in order to attract a buyer willing and able to fork over that kind of money for the former showplace.
We have no idea of what these tours will be composed. Certainly, many will wish to see the grounds of the home that has been closed to the public for so long. Just how many will wish to avail themselves of the "fortune teller" remains to be seen.
So...a twenty dollar tour to enhance the pocket book of Ms. Smithson or the same amount spent at Greystone Manor where it will be returned to the Shoals economy? Tough Choice? Hardly.
What's up with this: We understand that Insurance Bluff, the scene of a recent accidental death, is not located in Iron City, but lies to the west in West Point, Tennessee. We would love to hear from any readers who have stories about this historic and infamous area.