Monday, October 5, 2009

Fire Prevention Month Parade Tonight in Florence

October is Fire Prevention Month, and our friend Morris Lentz has asked us to remind our readers of the parade tonight in downtown Florence. This year's "Night of Fire Parade" will line up on Pine Street at 6:00 p.m. and officially kick off 2009's fire prevention campaign as the participants make their way down Court Street at 7:00 p.m.

All Shoals municipal and volunteer fire departments are encouraged to send at least one truck to participate in the parade featuring the Red Knights Motorcycle Club. All parade participants are invited to attend a pizza dinner in Wilson Park after the event.

Morris is president of the Lauderdale County Volunteer Firefighters' Association and donates countless hours of his personal time to keeping Lauderdale County and the surrounding areas safe. Kudos to him and all the Shoals firefighters. We encourage everyone to turn out for the parade to honor these men and women.

What's up with this: Just what are the Red Knights? Take a peek at their website; you definitely don't want to miss this group!
