Bryan Luke McIntyre is lucky to be alive. On Saturday afternoon, Officer McIntyre was patrolling an area immediately northwest of Hermitage Drive that includes three large apartment complexes. Over the years, these apartments have been home to ministers, teachers, nurses, students, and other upstanding productive members of society, but due to the fact these complexes also rent to those receiving vouchers from Section 8, this area has often been referred to as "Whore Hollow."
At approximately 3:15 p.m., Officer McIntyre sought to investigate an irregularly parked suspicious vehicle. When the driver attempted to escape, he caught McIntyre's gun belt in the car door, dragging him 25 yards before the officer was able to pull himself free. After being treated at a local hospital, McIntyre was released with only moderate injuries.
Luke McIntyre, pictured here with his wife Kimberly Brooke Davidson, is the grandson of Nancy McIntyre, local political pundit and frequent contributor to the TimesDaily. Luke is also well known for his kind demeanor when dealing with the public. One of our readers sent us this story:
My apartment building had been robbed three times immediately before Halloween last year. The owners told the occupants to be sure to report any crime, no matter how minor. When my Halloween doormat was stolen, an item that cost a total of $1.10, Officer McIntyre graciously took the report. He did look hard pressed not to laugh when I described the mat as bearing the inscription, "The Witch Is In."
We wish Officer Luke McIntyre a sure and speedy recovery; as for the miscreants responsible for Luke's injuries, we hope they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
What's up with this: According to reports in a local forum, relatives of Lexington murder victim Homer Wood Jr. are already planning lawsuits against Lauderdale County authorities. We doubt the grieving family has any grounds for such a suit, but it will be interesting to see if their threats come to any fruition.