Last week we wrote about Decatur photographer Jeronimo Nisa; at that time our friend Mark Davis brought a similar blog to our attention. Gary Cosby Jr.'s blog, alittlenews, is also beautifully done and presents his own artistic interpretation of scenes around the Tennessee Valley. Gary's father is a retired Muscle Shoals firefighter, and we had plans to do a column on his blog in the near future, but unfortunately we're presenting it today.
We say unfortunately because Gary's son Reece passed away suddenly on Sunday morning. Gary and his wife Patti have lost a treasure, but they have chosen to share their son's life and his accomplishments with us via Gary's blog. We hope each of our readers will take a moment to view the photographs of Reece, a beautiful little boy filled with joy and love. We should all be so complete.
Our apologies to Tim Milan, candidate for Colbert County District Judge. A recent column reported that Mr. Milam at one time had practiced corporate law in Florence. Mr. Milam contacted us concerning the error, and, upon checking with our sources, found that the Colbert candidate had been confused with Tim Corley of Lauderdale County. Our apologies to Mr. Corley also.