Sunday, September 3, 2023

How to Get the Lauderdale BOE Sued - Part II


Friday Night Lights at Central School. It had everything but common sense and Kyle Chandler. Game day is "dress up" day. Last Friday's theme was 'Merica. Students were to dress in red, white, and blue. What could go wrong?

We'll throw in our own criticism here - the name. Why not "God Bless America?" The term "'Merica" is often labeled as "meant to sound ignorant and vulgar. Not fair or respectful to our wonderful country." We don't know who came up with that name, but we hope he or she tosses it into File 13 in future years.

Nor do we know how each class carried out the theme, but all the complaints we've received concern the two 4th Grade classes (nine and ten year-olds) taught by a relatively young male/female duo:

We began to receive messages mid-afternoon Friday. All but one were from mothers who were upset over the teachers' attire. Some asked what legal avenues they could pursue.

Looking back over the years, it seems public school teachers have sued since the 1970s to have the right to wear political advertising buttons and other attire in class. Guess what? They all lost.

Additionally, this should have been covered in a class/module on teaching ethics before they earned their degrees. Were they asleep in that class? Do they have special relationships with the school board? Why did they feel so elite that norms meant nothing to them?

We sincerely hope that the Lauderdale Board of Education puts a stop to any further monkeyshines at taxpayer expense. Next year it could be advertising for Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson, or Vladimir Putin. 

Public school is for education - not political indoctrination.


  1. If the pic showed FJB supporters, would there be any complaints by Leftists?

    1. Yes. What most uneducated people don't understand is that liberals and most of the Democrat party are also rightist authoritarian, as they are in the same quadrant and not far from conservatives on the political compass. Google "2020 candidates political compass." Bernie Sanders is actually on the left, and not even by much. But he's a libertarian leaning leftist, instead of an authoritarian, which makes a massive difference. (Sralin was leftist authoritarian, Hitler was a centrist authoritarian, and Moussolini was a rightist authoritarian. The issue authoritarianism, which both major US parties are, and rightist at that, because they don't believe in using taxes to help others, and they don't believe in taxing the rich. Even republican Eisenhower was a leftist that taxed the rich 92% in the highest bracket. I digress)

      PROGRESSIVES (not liberals) are the leftists that use the democratic party by crashing it so they can stand a legitimate chance at winning, because Americans are trained to choose between two evils because the "worse evil" might win, instead of the independent options based on libertarianism rather than authoritarianism. Whether it be leftist libertarians that include democratic socialists, or the libertarian party with Johnson, Jorgensen, Paul, Paul, etc.

      So to answer your question, Bernie sanders sided with gun manufacturers against Hillary when she wanted to change law that would allow victims of gun crimes to sue the gun manufacturers, and voted to audit the fed alongside libertarian Rand Paul.

      The focus isn't right or left. Any libertarian is going to want to hold standards to equal rights. The libertarian party, who is rightist, sides against churches when it comes to separation of church and state. But it's the lefty dems that hate church and conservatism right? See what I'm saying?

      You're approaching the concept of politics entirely wrong, and the premise of your question doesn't make sense.

      I'm a leftist and you're damn right I want Hillary and Biden jailed for rigging the last two DNC primaries against Bernie.

      The same guy that visited Chelsea (formerly dead name bradley, for reference clarification) Manning in Quantico and designed the wikileaks page, and successfully sued Janet Napolitano is a close personal friend since childhood and taught me how to pick locks (ethically).

      Yes. Leftists are capable of understanding ethics. Any authoritarian isn't, whether theyre left or right. I hope this answers your question.

    2. We would hope so. Wrong is wrong no matter which side does it.

  2. Someday, the left will figure it out. It will be too late, but they'll figure it out.

  3. Here's a Special Song for those who were 'Offended' -

  4. No, but there would be complaints from the Right. So better to not have either one, corrrect?

  5. A noteworthy perspective emerges when diverging from wholehearted support for our nation's ideals. It invariably leads to polarization, underlining the enduring importance of free speech. Nevertheless, establishing a precedent in this manner carries significant risks, as your astute observation rightly highlights; it may pave the way for support of figures like Vladimir Putin in the future.

    The colors red, white, and blue are emblematic not only of the United States but also of numerous other countries, including Chile, Netherlands, Australia, Cuba, Croatia, France, Russia, Cambodia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, United Kingdom, Dominican Republic, North Korea, Paraguay, Iceland, Costa Rica, Slovenia, Panama, and Liberia, among others. Some nations employ variations of these hues.

    To simplify this matter, if the board of education isn't cautious, students in the coming years could be wearing attire expressing support for individuals like Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, or Miguel Díaz-Canel, the leader of Cuba, as you noted.

    Perhaps adopting a more generic approach by wearing these colors while emphasizing terms like "United States" or "Old Glory" would be prudent. This approach sidesteps the introduction of political affiliations, which could prove advantageous. After all, establishing precedents can have unforeseen repercussions down the line.

  6. It is worthy to note that in the picture the only two people wearing "political" garb ARE the teachers. Either the children innately had more common sense than to wear political garb which would offend some people (and possible black eyes at lunch period) or their parents did and would not send them to school dressed that way. Let's hope it is both and only the teachers are the complete idiots in this situation? Sad indeed! That is the WORST scenario. (and in talking to a retired teacher after this blog came out it is all too true that the Lauderdale county school system is filled with teachers who have no better judgement than these two) Better pre-hire screening??

  7. 'Pre-hire screening? You mean for political beliefs?
