Monday, September 18, 2023

Florence & PSS Settle Issues


If you can't attend,  be sure to watch the Florence City Council meeting on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. The City and Project Say Something have come to a compromise of sorts concerning ordinances on public protests. 

The following are scheduled to be enacted:

  • Acknowledgment by the City of Florence that the unamplified human voice is not subject to the noise ordinance.
  • Explicit clarification by the City of Florence that Project Say Something’s activities do not constitute a parade.
  • Placement of the new noise and parade ordinances on the City Council’s agenda for a vote in September 2023.
  • A stipulation to file for dismissal once the new ordinances are adopted, anticipated to be in October 2023.

Once the ordinances are enacted, Project Say Something will drop the lawsuit against the City. In the intervening two years since the protests, a former leader of the group, Brian W. Murphy (infamous Marxist for Jesus), has become a city department head. This should make for a very interesting public comments portion of the meeting.



  1. I cannot believe Marxists are being given a public platform from which to spew their hatred for America.

    1. While this City of Florence department head calls it "performance art," it's hardly appropriate for Brian Murphy to behave in this manner as a representative of our city. We can thank Dick Jordan for that...

  2. These sound like hostage demands to me. Are we dealing with terrorist? If you go by the disrespect that is shown to those in Florence who simply wanted to enjoy a meal al fresco, the verdict is possibly. But these "ordinances" sound like terrorist demands.

    1. There's only one thing terrorists understand: brute force.
