Friday, June 10, 2022

Muscle Shoals Lawsuit - Chapter 1


With all the attention on Florence Lauderdale Jail we have to wonder how widespread these problems are.

Colbert County Jail has seen its share of federal lawsuits for inmate abuse and excessive force which continues to cost the citizens of Colbert County a great deal of money. Deals are being cut at this time to pay off several settlements - one victim receiving $250,000.00 to "go away". Others settlements are in the works while other lawsuits are making their way through the courts.

Muscle Shoals City Jail has a brouhaha that began in Dispatch.

This story will play out in several letters to Shoalanda for it is much too much to digest in one sitting.Some months ago in the office of Muscle Shoals Police Dispatch a salesman visits a male police officer. The 2 men discussed the poor salesman's health problems and how his private parts are rather swollen.

As the female dispatcher tends to her business, the salesman proceeds to drop his pants and underwear, and shares his ailing privates much to the dismay of the dispatcher and female jailer that is present. Embarrassed, scared and caught in a predicament, the day jailer immediately looks away and for an opportunity to escape. It only takes a matter of time before the day jailer goes to her superior to complain, when immediately her superior tells her to file a formal complaint -  this is not to be tolerated. Well, at least that was the advice before the complaint named names and revealed the names of  the salesman and the male police officer.

The situation turned from one “not to be tolerated”, to one “not to be discussed”. It seems the male police officer had been in situations that most people would be fired over and was simply moved around till situations "blew over" and then back to business as usual.

Meanwhile, this female day jailer who was hired and promised a shift conducive to her as a single parent had no idea what was in store for speaking against the status quo. Little did she know one of MSPD's fine captains was grooming her replacement. The captain saw a lot of potential in a 19 year old female night jailer that worked the midnight shift and took her as a special "friend with benefits" (most people would call this an extramarital affair - MSPD probably calls it on the job training).

Shortly after the day jailer's complaint, the 19 year old female night jailer in training is given the day jailer's job and the "complainer" is moved to a midnight shift.

Think this is over - NAH - It's just beginning  

Next up - The day-turned night- jailer meets Mayor Mikey Lockhart. Stay tuned.



  1. I would say that Muscle Shoals has themselves a nice little CHARLIE FOXTROT on their hands.

  2. Even as the world has changed (for the better) about such matters, even this event, if true, would have not been accepted 40 years ago. It certainly should not be accepted in a Christian community. But "not accepted" isn't always a guarantee of anything as certain news commentators have survived similar atrocities, albeit broadcast on a video conference. In this case the city should hold itself accountable for the actions of its employees. If not, then the voters should hold the leaders accountable. Unfortunately an election can be more of a popularity contest than a test of qualifications.

  3. I would argue that 'the World' has been in decline for the past 50+ years.
