Sunday, June 26, 2022

And You Thought Brett Kavanaugh Wouldn't Lie?


When Brett Kavanaugh faced Senate hearings concerning his fitness to serve on the Supreme Court, three women accused him of separate sexual attacks/misconduct. He denied all three, and many supporters said he would never lie.

Fast forward to this week and Kavanaugh voted to abolish Roe v. Wade. During confirmations, Kavanaugh had stated he would not attempt to do so or vote against established law. Hmmm.

You may like the way Kavanaugh voted, but you should not like the way he lied his way into his position. Now that he's failed at least one honesty test, can you ever believe and support him on any issue?


Remember Terri Collins of Decatur who stated she would immediately introduce a rape exception to Alabama's anti-abortion law if Roe was nullified? Now she says March at the earliest for the introduction of the amendment.

If Tim Melson and Phillip Pettus' campaign mailers are accurate, these two men (and probably many others) will not support the rape exception. Because we all know any woman dumb enough to let herself be raped should be made to have the little bastard. Welcome to Alabama and please tell us why you think Jesus would support this...

Hedley Obviously Wasn't From Alabama


  1. FJB continues to LIE about sexually assaulting women. Hell, even HIS OWN DAUGHTER accuses him of 'deviant sexual behavor'.

  2. I do not have a uterus so I do not have a dog in this fight but all humans who DO have a uterus should know the supreme court just took over control. You uterus is not your own. Repulsivecans lying to get control??? THIS is supposed to be something surprising and new??? Hopefully, I will be long in the grave before this becomes a total authoritarian government ruled by despot dictators but we came very close with the election of Trump and his crew of outlaw minions and given the path we are on as a country it can easily happen. To paraphra

  3. To paraphrase the poem by Martin Niemoller: First they came for the women: will forced vascetomy for male rapist and those who perform incest be in the future for men someday???? Bet the repulsivecans will cry long and loud then!!!!

  4. From my perspective the problem is not the lie other than questioning his ethics. The problem is that most people on both sides of the issue were willing to do anything to hold their point. It seems everyone is willing to win at any cost. Thus the politician is willing to accept the lie on face value to retain their job. The problem will reconcile itself after enough people pay some price.
