Thursday, June 30, 2022

Just Pay the $3.00 - You'll Look Better for It


First, we want to thank Florence City Councilman Jimmy Oliver for explaining the July 1st date of this year's Independence Day celebration at McFarland Park. He also went on to explain that the city did not book the performers; a local radio station contracted for the lineup.

Our mail is running 9 to 1 against the date; however, at least this year the holiday will be somewhat more normal than it has been the past two years.

The lineup? Our readers are 10 to 0 in their appreciation of this year's entertainment. To each his own, and there are many other festivals within easy driving distance of Florence which may be more to your liking.

That brings us to our friend Nick Ireland who suggested a fireworks show in Huntsville. He also came up with some interesting information about one of the headliners at the Spirit of Freedom. It seems this entertainer still owes $3.00 on a 2019 domestic violence conviction.

Perhaps this "headliner" will stop by municipal court to pay off his fine before heading to McFarland. It would be the right and easy thing to do. Our other opinion? Aren't there any entertainers out there who haven't been convicted of violence against their partners? Let's try to get them next year.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Judge Will Motlow Blames "Simple Human Error" for Lauderdale Election SNAFU


The conclusion of a brief examination into the District 2 race in Lauderdale County is that 67 to 70 voters received the wrong ballot and actually voted in the District 1 race. Lauderdale County is the home to Kimberly Patterson Butler who lost a place in the runoff by an official count of 14 votes. Is this democracy as we know or at least expect it?

Now Mrs. Butler will file an official election contest. We've very interested in where this will go.

According to Judge Will Motlow, the situation was simple human error. He now has a plan to avoid this in future by investing in some electronic technology now available. 

The error also affected the District 1 vote, but the number of votes was not enough to make any difference in the outcome. Perhaps we should be grateful for small favors?


At least we're not in the Lee County area where the vote of an unregistered person has been certified. It seems she intended to register, but didn't complete the process. Perhaps many of us have new hope of that doctorate in basket weaving since we've always intended to complete it?

Did Someone Mention Tim & Phillip?

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Chapter II of "Hot Pants & Cold Feet" Starring Mayor Mikey

 My, What a Large Sign You Have...

The long awaited chapter two in our ongoing saga of dropped pants in Muscle Shoals...

For those with good memories, you can skip ahead, but just a little reminder of the MSPD brue-ha-ha.......

Ms. Day Jailer that was punished for complaining deserves a name. "Sandy" as she will be known going forward.Sandy filed a complaint upon advice of her supervisor after an officer (we call him "Dee") had a visitor inside the dispatch area. Dee entertained conversation with the visitor concerning the visitor's swollen private parts. Although "Dee" encouraged the conversation that prompted the visitor's dropping his pants to expose himself to two female employees, he was not reprimanded by MSPD finest. Dee had a violation in the past as did another officer (something concerning a deer you may remember) but Dee was only moved to another city position while things cooled down. With that kind of history, Dee felt pretty confident nothing would happen after Sandy filed a complaint. Holding true to their selective standards, Dee is still a favored officer who dons his uniform and badge to "serve and protect" the good people of Muscle Shoals while Sandy was moved to night shift as punishment, thus leading to her resignation.


Muscle Shoals Police Day-Jailer who was punished for telling the truth and following her supervisor's instructions has more to tell about what happens behind the plate glass windows. Not to let anyone bully her and punish her for speaking up, Sandy followed the city's protocol and went one step further to make an appointment with Mayor Mikey Lockhart. 

Taking her case to Mikey was a comfort to her - for a short time, as Mikey listened to her account of how a man would drop his pants in front of her and a female dispatcher with no apology from him or Dee, who, as a long time employee of the city and police department, should know the proper steps and policies as his uncle had worked for the city in a similar position and also in city hall. 

However, Sandy believed "right" would prevail and shared all the details and history of her employment to the new mayor while he nodded and agreed that such things were not going to happen now that he Mayor Bradford was gone. Mikey questioned in length and assured Sandy that this kind of embarrassment was against regulations and he would be looking into this and get back to her. After a long conversation and reassurance she had done the right thing by coming to him, Sandy left city hall and Mikey feeling like she could return to a safe environment - at Muscle Shoals Police Department.

Sandy's life was not to return to normal. She soon finds that Mayor Mikey Lockhart only told her what she wanted to hear and his words had no meaning. As reality sets in, Sandy knows she only has one option  - a resignation and an EEOC complaint. Her right to a safe, work environment was not secured by the new mayor and she was forced to seek help from an outside agency. 

Once the EEOC complaint was filed, Sandy was notified of the steps taken to determine just cause for her complaint. Who would believe Sandy against the fine upstanding police, ranking officer and his night-jailer girlfriend, and Dee? EEOC had their work cut out with interviewing those involved since they had a scripted account to follow that didn't quite match Sandy's.

Oh - if there had just been a fly on the wall in any of those conversations at the PD or City Hall. 

Maybe those stories the city employees told EEOC may be refuted. Or, were their stories refuted? 

It appears stories may have been contradicted - or outright lies were told to EEOC?

Is there evidence of lies told to EEOC by the MS groupies?

Did EEOC clear Sandy for the next steps to be vindicated? 

We hear someone will be haunted by the sound of their own voice in time to come...

The wheels of justice move ever so slowly - the walls have ears and ways of telling what they hear. 

More to come...

Monday, June 27, 2022

Colbert Has Area's Highest STD Rate


If you're tired of Colbert County always being last in northwest Alabama, rejoice. That county is now number sexually transmitted diseases. According to the latest health department statistics, the rate is 8.7 per 1K of the population. Lauderdale is next with 7.4. The most common infection is chlamydia, with syphilis being second.

The healthiest county, sexually speaking? That's Marion with only 4.4 per 1K infected. There you go, readers - choose your dating pool carefully.

Conceivably that rate could rise if the SCOTUS revisits the public's right to birth control which includes condoms. We were shocked to learn that it is still technically a federal crime to sell birth control. The court declared access to birth control a right in 1972, but if Clarence Thomas has his way, that could change.

Shh! Don't tell our state legislature. They might decide to pass a state law backing up the federal Comstock law. After all, they'll do anything to get out of expanding Medicaid for the state's low income children.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

And You Thought Brett Kavanaugh Wouldn't Lie?


When Brett Kavanaugh faced Senate hearings concerning his fitness to serve on the Supreme Court, three women accused him of separate sexual attacks/misconduct. He denied all three, and many supporters said he would never lie.

Fast forward to this week and Kavanaugh voted to abolish Roe v. Wade. During confirmations, Kavanaugh had stated he would not attempt to do so or vote against established law. Hmmm.

You may like the way Kavanaugh voted, but you should not like the way he lied his way into his position. Now that he's failed at least one honesty test, can you ever believe and support him on any issue?


Remember Terri Collins of Decatur who stated she would immediately introduce a rape exception to Alabama's anti-abortion law if Roe was nullified? Now she says March at the earliest for the introduction of the amendment.

If Tim Melson and Phillip Pettus' campaign mailers are accurate, these two men (and probably many others) will not support the rape exception. Because we all know any woman dumb enough to let herself be raped should be made to have the little bastard. Welcome to Alabama and please tell us why you think Jesus would support this...

Hedley Obviously Wasn't From Alabama

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Yes, a Physician Can Refuse to Take a Patient


A good friend asked us to look into this story and to get the word out as to what was happening at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville. It seems the pediatric heart transplant team will not place a six-month old infant on the transplant list due to his having no vaccinations.

Here's the story in the mother's own words: Baby August

Some articles say the infant has "no spleen" or a spleen that doesn't function. That's not true according to the mother's account of her son's condition. She says he simply needs a new heart.

Some are posting this case involves the COVID vaccine, but that simply isn't true either. August has had no vaccines of any ilk since his parents ostensibly oppose them on religious grounds. This "fact" sounds pretty fishy to us since they would similarly oppose any blood transfusions needed during surgery as well. Think about it.

First a heart for a six-month old is not guaranteed to be available. Imagine you have a child who desperately needs a transplant and that you have done everything to make ready for the surgery, but the hospital decides to give the organ to an infant who hasn't had the care to prepare its body for the operation. How would you feel?

If a surgeon refuses to operate on a patient he or she feels has little chance of survival, that's his/her right. We do not believe the mother's account of the discussion of "legal" and "ethics." There is no law involved here to bring legality into it, and the surgeon's choice seems extremely ethical in the purest sense of the word.

Now some Tennessee legislators want to second guess who goes on the waiting list for transplants and who doesn't. That shouldn't make anyone feel secure.

Bottom line: If you refuse to do what a physician tells you to do, that physician has every right to refuse you care.

Personal takeaway: There's a lot more to this story, and we doubt that much of what's being reported is true. 


Mother says: he has the most complicated heart disease they’ve seen. He has no developmental problems otherwise.

GoFundMe says: They found out he has HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Sydrome) as well as several other serious issues.

So which it is? Let's let these people get their story straight for the next sucker and leave the heart surgeon alone, shall we?

Friday, June 24, 2022

Clarence Thomas is Against Same-Sex Marriage & Contraception, but Not Adultery?


Earlier today, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke out against several things (who knew he even could speak, at least judging from his past 30 years on the bench?). He specifically mentioned same-sex marriage and contraception. What about adultery? Not a peep.

Pictured above is Justice Thomas' lovely and long-suffering first wife, Kathy Ambush. According to biographers, when Clarence married Kathy, he was so poor that Kathy's father had to purchase his law school annual for him.

By all accounts, Kathy was a loving wife and became the mother of Clarence's only (known) child. As almost any attorney in the Shoals area can attest, simply having a juris doctorate is no guarantee of success, and Clarence's career didn't take off the way that he thought it should.

As Clarence's depression grew, so did his alcohol use and fraternization with other women. After 13 years of marriage, Kathy divorced Clarence and began to make a good life for herself and their son.

However, Clarence didn't stay single long. He met Ginni, the daughter of a man who owned a large engineering firm. Obviously Ginni had many attractions, 99% of them green. Thomas then entered into his second marriage...a union many, even in his own Episcopal Church, called adulterous.

No, don't wait for Justice Thomas to speak on divorce and remarriage. He won't question anything that benefits himself. Ah, well, Jiffy Pop is having the best day in recorded U.S. political history.

Ginni (Tetrachromats are Appalled)

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Think Phillip Pettus Got You Those Fire Dept. Grants? Think Again...


During the recent election, we saw several in the eastern end of Lauderdale comment on how Phillip Pettus had secured state grants for their volunteer fire departments when Greg Burdine never had. Is this true? Only partially and in a manner of speaking.

We decided to look into the truth and discovered much what we had surmised. There were NO state grants until 2016, and Pettus took office in 2014. So obviously the educated and erudite Mr. Burdine could not have secured something that was not there.

Here's another kicker: the grants are applied for by the fire departments themselves. Oh, we're sure Pettus made a big show of personally handing out checks to each department in his district that was awarded one, but that's the extent of his involvement.

Whom should you thank? Gov. Kay Ivey announced the grants in September 2016 in connection with the Alabama EMA. You could start with thanking those two entities.

Not only is much in Lauderdale County a pig in a poke, the pig itself is pretty rotten.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

This Is What the TimesDaily is Good For


To us, the recent ballot screw-up in Lauderdale is one of the biggest stories in Shoals history so far this century. Most people don't care. The TimesDaily has hardly mentioned it. This is what one of our Lauderdale County friends has said:

The ballot screw up had to have happened at the top level. Clearly someone did not pay attention to the new maps and left entire neighborhoods in their old district. Now whether intentional or accidental, who can say? If legislators can hand pick their districts to win, anything is possible. 

Interestingly, the two biggest polling places, St. James and Atlas COC were affected the most. 

Then there’s the issue of people getting the wrong ballot given to them. All good and well if you picked it up, but most folks probably did not. I have no idea how you would even begin to prove that mess, unless you analyzed the ballots given out and to whom, and frankly, I think it’s too late to do anything anyway if major irregularities were found. Our local press certainly made it clear they did NOT want sunlight on this issue, so most folks are clueless as to what’s happened. 

On the Pettus/Black/Melson issue, how tragic that many in our community feel that we don’t have candidates to vote FOR but rather lesser of two evils to pick from instead

Who wants power in Lauderdale? Obviously those who control the Ag Center. Is that what some of this was about? It's certainly possible. How is that bilious green elephant coming along?

On a similar note, how is Inspiration Landing progressing? We've heard grass is four feet tall all around the infamous Slag music venue. Whoever technically owns the property won't even keep it mowed.

Our prediction there is that construction may start on some private homes when material costs come down. Even that's a big maybe. Did John Elkington think that people from all over the U.S. would flock to Sheffield?

"Hey, hon, I got the company jet this weekend. Where shall we go? L.A., Austin, New Orleans? Oh, I know. Let's go to Sheffield."

Similarly, no festival organizers are going to exclaim: "Aren't we tired of Nashville? Let's have our big do on the outskirts of Florence next year."

85% of the citizens don't care, 10% want in on it, and the remaining 5% just aren't enough to correct the local illegal situations.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Final Word Before You Vote!


While some of our bloggers reside in Colbert County, Shoalanda lives in Lauderdale and is extremely glad she doesn't have to choose between Mary Baschab-Haslacker and Chad Smith. We've enjoyed our communications with both candidates and believe either will work for what's best for their county as District Judge. Pray before you vote.

Could you rock a Pink Floyd tee-shirt like this? No, didn't think so. Pictured is our friend Brent Woodall. Vote for Brent today for the Public Service Commission. You'll be glad you did. 

The shirt was a birthday gift, so a belated happy birthday to Brent!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Open Letter to the Citizens of Colbert County


From Mary Baschab-Haslacker -

With the Run-Off Election tomorrow, I would like to share my thoughts as I reflect over the path of my campaign over the last two years.

Why did I decide to run for District Court Judge?  Every decision I make is based on my faith in God and with full knowledge that my decisions will impact my family, friends, and my community.


Some of the things my supporters, family, and I have done:

I came to meet you at your workplace, personally visiting more than 500 businesses.

I wrote introduction letters to 1,000 businesses.

We visited your homes, knocking on over 6,000 doors.

I spoke to nearly every union hall.

I visited every shift of every police department and the sheriff’s department.

I visited every fire department.

I visited utility, water, and streets and sanitation departments.

I visited all of the senior centers, visiting with our county’s treasured elders.

I designed and sent out three different mailers to every household in the county.  Tens of thousands of them were hand sorted and delivered to the post offices by me and my family and supporters.

We put out thousands of signs.

I attended dozens of community events alone and with supporters and family members.

I met you  in restaurants, gas stations, store fronts, and on the street.  

We distributed one hundred T-shirts and tens of thousands of handouts and cards.

We called thousands of homes.

We filmed and shared numerous videos, including a tour of our home farm in Cherokee.

I hosted a hot-dog lunch in Ford City and a “meet the candidate” event in Sheffield.

I prepared for and participated in two open candidate forums.

I wrote numerous news releases and had dozens of newspaper ads with testimonies from supporters and produced numerous radio spots.


During all this time, I continued to work at my Muscle Shoals law office, attended court, served my clients, while also serving as town attorney for Cherokee and town attorney and prosecutor for Leighton.

I tucked my four children in bed every night after family prayers with them and my husband.  My husband and I have taken on significant personal debt to fund my campaign. We did that so that my debt will be to NO ONE that appears before me in the court and so that no one can question the integrity of my decisions.  


“Thank You” to my many supporters and new friends I have made in Colbert County over the past two years.  When I began this campaign, many of you did not know me, though my family has been in Margerum for almost 200 years.  I have an impossible last name, though Mary is easy enough.  I had a lot to overcome, but your encouragement and our hard work together has brought us to a run-off election.    


We face a crucial time in our county and in our country.  Many of us have lost faith in our government.  We want something to believe in again.  We want to be able to believe in our courts.  I am the People’s Candidate, because my promise is to do nothing in the backroom; to be open, honest, and fair; and to value and respect your time, your cases, and your lives. 

You have only ONE CHANCE to select a judge; Election Day.  Please elect a judge who does not  appear to owe any debt to business or special interest contributors.   Please elect a judge who can and will be fair.  Please elect a Judge whose fairness cannot be questioned.  I prayerfully ask for your vote on June 21.

Urgent Message to State House District 2



Lauderdale County Republicans who voted in wrong district in primary election can still vote in House District 2 run-off upon request Thanks to several voters who raised awareness of a glitch in the voter registration database, Lauderdale County Republicans living in House District 2 who didn’t get to vote for their next representative in May’s primary election will now have an opportunity to vote in tomorrow’s run-off election between Jason Black and Ben Harrison. More than 70 registered voters in Lauderdale County voted in the wrong district in May because the voter registration system incorrectly assigned them to House District 1. Voters who live on the following streets were affected:



Bentbrook Drive 

County Road 159 

Johnson Drive Oakbrook Drive 

Shadybrook Drive 

“These voters actually live in House District 2, according to the official maps of the Permanent Legislative Committee on Reapportionment,” said Bryan Taylor, an attorney and former state senator who represents some of the affected voters. “The legislature redrew district lines as constitutionally required after the last census. But somehow, the update never made it into the voter registration database.” 

The glitch is still being investigated, Taylor said. Lauderdale County Probate Judge Will Motlow had an idea to correct the problem. Wanting all the voters of House District 2 to be able to participate in the run-off to elect their next representative in Montgomery, he personally delivered the correct ballots to the affected polling places earlier today. But because of time constraints, the affected voters will still need to request a provisional ballot in order to vote in the House District 2 run-off election. “Just the voters on these streets who are incorrectly registered in House District 1 should request a provisional ballot for the District 2 race,” Taylor said. Only 14 votes separated the second- and third-place finishers in the May 24 Primary for House of Representatives District 2. As a result, Jason Black advanced to the run-off instead of Kimberly Butler. An election contest is pending before the Republican State Executive Committee to determine whether Butler would have made the run-off if these voters had been registered in the correct district. 

State House District 2 Runoff

This runoff is a critical runoff for the future of this district and the direction it will go. The two candidates Jason Black and Ben Harrison both are from Limestone County one of the fastest counties in job growth and population. The candidates are both county commissioners one current and the other was defeated in the 2020 election. With that being said it looks like the candidates are the same but in all actuality they are completely different. 

Ben Harrison is definitely not the right candidate for the job and don’t let his for lack of a better word propaganda fool you. First off he was defeated in the 2020 election by an Independent from his district that was going to run as an Republican but for some “strange” reason was removed from the ballot before the primary and not allowed to run as a Republican. Secondly all the issues Ben says he’s against there is nothing he can really do about those issues because state laws already in place fixes the issues. He’s using CRT, Abortion, Illegal Immigration, and Gun Rights as his platform. CRT is illegal in this state passed by legislation nothing Ben can do about that. Abortion is illegal in this state and with the possibility of Roe V Wade being overturned will ensure that for good nothing Ben can do about that. Illegal immigration our state passed legislation on illegal immigration under Governor Bentley a few years back nothing Ben can do on that issue. Gun Rights is his next issue he’s using in Alabama we have some of the best gun laws that protect our 2nd Amendment rights. Governor Ivey even had a political ad at a shooting range if that shows how Pro 2nd Amendment our state is. Pretty sure Ben can do nothing about that.

A few issues voters need to know about Ben is he is not a fan of Public Education and supports Private Schools instead. This is not good for our public school systems in Limestone and Lauderdale counties if he’s elected. Another issue we need to be concerned with is he’s saying nothing about job growth for the district. If voters will look at his time as a county commissioner in Limestone County there was very little job growth if any in his district. That’s very concerning for the growth of this area in job growth. Lastly he is not in favor of SRO’s in the school systems. 

He was the only commissioner to vote against having SROs in every county school in Limestone County. That right there is not a good thing for school systems and law enforcement. The right candidate for the job is Jason Black. During his time in office he brought jobs to Limestone County and his those jobs were in his district most notably Toyota Mazda. He has supported county schools in Limestone County by helping them secure grants and volunteering for school organizations. He has been a major supporter of law enforcement and first responders as a commissioner. He has got numerous endorsements from various organizations and elected officials. In closing I hope that the voters will chose the best candidate in Jason Black and not listen to all the same political rhetoric from Ben Harrison. The future of this area is on this election. Will we see continued growth or will we start to see the growth stop?

A District 2 Voter


A Message on the District 2 Election from Kimberly Patterson Butler


If you live in Alabama House District 2 and were given the wrong ballot during the May 24th primary, you need to read this from Kimberly Patterson Butler:

After the redistricting, a large number of people in Lauderdale county were coded as residing in House District 1, when by the map (which is the legal document), they live in House District 2. These voters were given a ballot to vote for a representative who will NOT be their representative. All of those voters are in precincts where I won convincingly. My team has the proof of this from the Secretary of State's office. My team has contacted each voter to ask them to sign an affidavit, allowing them to have the opportunity to vote. With the votes as they legally should have been done, I have well more than I need to make the runoff.

On Saturday, I have a trial. ALGOP has agreed that if I win my case, which I should, they will not certify the results from the runoff and they will pay for another runoff for House District 2 between me and Ben Harrison.

Today I am working on an emergency ruling to allow the voters who were denied their right to vote properly on May 24, to be able to vote in the runoff tomorrow. Because if I lose my case, I want all the voters in my district to at LEAST have the opportunity to choose between Jason Black and Ben Harrison. That seems only fair to me.

The Hold-Up on Election Challenges


So many have asked about the status of all the election challenges in Lauderdale County. It seems the Republican Steering Committee will accept one challenge per set of paperwork filed. It designated the Harrison/Black/Butler race in Limestone/Lauderdale to determine any irregularities.

If no one files against the others, that will be the end of the matter. Sad day for democracy.

The election is tomorrow, and so far we haven't addressed the fliers handed out by Melson/Pettus paid workers outside the polls on May 24th. Andrew Sorrell was specifically singled out to vote against.

We cannot think of a better candidate for State Auditor than Andrew. He's this blog's unanimous pick!

We're also going with Katie Britt for U.S. Senate (Mo demonstrated the Peter Principle years ago) and Jim Zeigler for Secretary of State. 

Later today, we'll be looking at some area races. If you have comments, get them in quickly.

Vote for Liberty's Daddy!

Sunday, June 19, 2022

How's This for a Father's Day Endorsement?


Today a local candidate who didn't make it to the runoff endorsed Phillip Pettus (the Second!) for the Lauderdale County Commission. The endorsement went on to say that despite his being Phillip (the First!)'s son, he wasn't like his father and would make a good commissioner. Wow! What an endorsement.

Our blog isn't going to endorse in this race; however, Shoalanda herself is going to vote for Brad Black. If you live in Florence, but aren't sure, you may wish to remember Pettus and Greer stole your vote in one county office. Doesn't that tell you something about character?

This Father's Day, remember that your actions do speak not only to your character, but your children's as well.

Shoalanda & Staff

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Let's All Help Steifon J. Passmore


Steifon J. Passmore is manager at Big River Broadcasting and assumes the persona of "Fletcher Brown" when on air. Mr. Passmore has previously helped many causes in the Shoals, and now it's time to help him.

Passmore is currently undergoing chemotherapy; a GoFundMe page has been set up for him here:

Steifon "Fletch Brown" Passmore

Thank you, Steifon, for all you do for everyone!


While on the subject of those who selflessly help our community, let's all leave Steve Condra a shoutout on his Facebook page. His health isn't currently letting him comment each day...and we miss him!

Prayers for our Brother-in-Christ

Friday, June 17, 2022

Think You're Above the Law? Bill Griffin Does


Regular readers know that our blog is a big supporter of following laws, regulations, and codes. Unfortunately, most individuals seem to think that these laws are merely suggestions or that they're above the law.

In case you're not aware, most cities, including Florence, have a law against operating an unmodified golf cart on city streets. Now Bill Griffin, the representative for District 3, has made a promotional video for East Florence in which he rides off on a cart headed east on Huntsville Road. (Approximately 2:30 on the video.)

Could any of us expect to do the same no matter our good intentions and not be given a citation? Hint: Don't bet your rent on it.

From the FPD: Golf carts on roadways are a dangerous mix.
According to an Attorney General's Opinion, a golf cart IS a motor vehicle within the definition of section 32-1-1.1(32) of the Code of Alabama that may NOT be used upon the sidewalk or sidewalk area.
A golf cart is NOT a vehicle within the definition of sections 32-1-1.1(81) or 40-12-240(27) of the Code of Alabama and, therefore, may NOT be used to traverse the public streets of a municipality.
Please, no golf carts in neighborhoods. Leave them on the farm or on the course!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

A Reader Writes on New Lauderdale Phone Policy

Let me start by saying that I do NOT know enough about Jerry Hill to be a fan or not of his; however, I do agree that cell phones should not be allowed to be used during the school day by students or teachers (unless the teacher is on a break). Teachers first and foremost should be teaching and supervising students. Students should be learning in an environment in which they feel safe.

Cell phones take away from a students' ability to feel safe because just like a weapon a cell phone can be dangerous in the hands of some. Cell phone usage in schools opens up the door for harmful bullying whether by words on social media or by inappropriate pictures being taken with or without consent in a school’s locker room or bathroom. Furthermore, there is no good reason for a student to have a cell phone throughout the school day. Parents who argue that they need to get messages to their child during the school day can and should do it the old-fashioned way and call the office. If a child needs to get in touch with their parent during the school day, they should also follow the proper channels.

Some will argue that students need cell phones in case of emergencies such as an active school shooter. One could also argue that a student with a cell phone could be helping the shooter. Some just argue, and they usually fall into one of two groups. Group A thinks they ae above the rules, and group B are raising the bullies.l

Bottom line: We need honest, dependable people who have the students' best interest at heart running our schools. Unless your child is in a private school, you have the power to make that happen. Go out and vote for the best, most qualified people running for school board seats and superintendent positions because they determine your child’s teachers. (The most qualified candidates for teaching positions should be hired in our schools not just our former students and children of current teachers. We all know the direction that can take.) This is so important because we put a lot of trust in these people to prepare students for the next level and keep them safe.

As for vaping, it is a huge problem in schools both public and private.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Stay Tuned for Some Interesting Child Porn Arrests


It seems for every child pornographer arrested, two more take his place. Now a Central Heights business has been closed while authorities inspect the company's hard drives. We're sure more information on this case will be announced shortly.


Our Facebook page has received comments both pro and con the two white supremacists from Lexington. Our takes?

1. It is not our job to raise the children of others, especially as far away as Idaho.

2. The population of Lexington, Alabama, is three percent non-white.

3. We're leaning toward the reader from "Normal, Alabama" actually residing in Florence and having too much free time and alcohol in his life.


The heatwave promises to still be with us next Tuesday. No matter the temps, make the effort to vote. If you don't vote, then don't complain when the Lauderdale County Commission or other public entity simply drops by to pick up a paycheck and then crawls back into the woodwork.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Second Manslaughter Charge: Madison Jade McCalpin


Two of the five arrested in the death of Autumn Rose Wells were indicted on the felony charge of Manslaughter. Besides Payton Nicole Gann, Madison Jade McCalpin was also charged with directly causing the infant's death; however, she gave truthful information to the authorities.

The investigation revealed that Gann and McCalpin were the two in charge of the infants' room and had covered the sleeping Autumn with a blanket. Autopsy results indicated the child had been dead at least one hour before she was discovered. 

According to her online bio. McCalpin is a Red Bay native who graduated from Red Bay High School and who had previously worked at Subway, McDonald's, and the Cardinal Drive-In. As of this morning, Franklin County D.A. Joey Rushing has not commented on the the five indictments.

Monday, June 13, 2022

A Word from Mary Baschab-Haslacker


Thank you to the thousands of people who got out and picked Mary in the priMary for Colbert County District Judge!

In my many years in courtrooms, I learned how to serve you. I will be honest and fair. I will not make backroom deals. I will listen to you. I will hear all sides of the story. I will only rely on the law and the facts before me. I will treat every person equally under the law. I have no strings attached and will not show favoritism. I will not waste your time. I am running for District Judge to serve you.

I will win with your help on June 21. Supporters, contact your friends and family and remind them to pick Mary on June 21. I am available to answer any questions. You can find lots of information about me, my family, my values, and my plans for the court on my Facebook page: Baschab-Haslacker, the People’s Candidate for Colbert County District Judge.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Five in Red Bay Indicted in Infant Death


Five individuals associated with the Tiny Tiger Day Care in Red Bay have been indicted in Franklin County on charges connected to the March death of Autumn Rose Wells. Autumn was four months-old when she was found unresponsive in her crib at the child care center.

Charged in the death and what officials have called a coverup, are Madison Jade McCalpin and Payton Nicole Gann who are accused of Manslaughter for improperly caring for the sleeping child and Hannah Grace Letson and Teia Kay Gann who face Evidence Tampering charges. Also indicted was the daycare owner Angelene Chamblee.

We hope to have more information on this later. In the meantime, we await reader comments on how wonderful these five women are and how it's all someone else's fault.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

"Two Lexington Yutes" Arrested in Thwarted Gay Pride "Criminal Conspiracy"


Steven Derrick Tucker aka Don TX

Earlier today, 31 members of the Patriot Front drove into a Northern Idaho park area where a Gay Pride demonstration was taking place. All were white, wearing matching shirts and masks, and stuffed into the back of a U-Haul. None of these yutes was  from Idaho, but two were from Lexington, Alabama - at least as far as their booking IDs proclaimed.

Pictured above is Steven Tucker who appears to be some kind of boxer:

The second citizen from Lauderdale County was Wesley Evan Van Horn, not exactly making Lexington proud. All 31 were arrested on charges of Criminal Conspiracy. There's been no word on any weapons confiscated. Intentions? We can at least pretty well speculate there was nothing honorable about them.

Wesley Evan Van Horn

No word as yet from a certain Alabama judge or East Florence church.