Thursday, February 24, 2022

Is City Hampering Progress at Florence Mall Property?


The City of Florence has always been very outspoken about offering help to attract new tenants at Florence Mall. So far, Hull properties has not shown any interest, ostensibly holding onto the dilapidated shopping mecca as a tax write-off.

But is the city hampering progress in other ways? Around three years ago, a story made the rounds of a local group of physicians and other medical workers expressing an interest in the mall. It would be torn down and replaced with a huge medical office complex...near the new hospital.

Why would the city have opposed this? Tax dollars. Just like a man's farm truck is taxed at one rate, while his son's food truck is taxed at another, and his grandson's sports car taxed at still a third rate, retail stores are taxed at one rate (think high), while office buildings are taxed at a much lower rate.

Is this why the city showed no interest in at least lobbying for Hull to sell the 40 year-old white elephant? No matter how few stores are left in the Florence Mall, the city still makes more in tax revenue than it would from an office complex. 

As it stands now, Florence may be stuck with a decaying edifice for 40 more years...

1 comment:

  1. Bwhaha Florence itself is a decaying edifice. That city has to learn to accept there is a huge university at its heart and stop ignoring what UNA students and youth could bring to the town! Make the kids want to be there for 4 years or longer instead of making things difficult!
