Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Bye, Bye Tatums - May the F! be with You!


Andy Betterton has announced that Florence's contract with Tatum Design of Birmingham is "complete" and that there are no current plans concerning a web page redesign. 

Questions remain (don't they always?) It will be interesting to watch for more shoes to fall.

Just when you think you've seen all the Betterton jokes, a local blog comes up with one of the best:

Did you see our new logo courtesy of the Florence Historical Board (no relation to the Florence Historical Preservation Commission)? We love it!


  1. If this fiasco hasn't taught the voters (or should I say "non-voters") of Florence anything, they are unteachable. This current crowd has robbed your wallets (sales tax higher than Huntsville) put your grandchildren in debt ("if we build it, THEY will pay for it) and evidently solved hunger and homelessness with a one million dollar swoop! BUT, just go back and see who the current council was running against in the last election! Granted, it was a terrible joke to have Candy Andy elected as mayor, but are you REALLY proud of ANY of the others that govern the city of Florence? From "Tricky Dick" Jordan to "Let them eat cake" Eubanks, YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR and if you don't have anyone credible to vote for how can you VOTE EM ALL OUT? PLEASE, let's get some honest candidates in every district for the next election and CLEAN HOUSE. How many besides ME still have their "VOTE EM ALL OUT" sign from 2004?

  2. All I could think of when I saw 'FISH' was Stinky. Not a good thing ......

    1. Yes, but we're sure Andy & Dick & Melinda will get it - Fo Sho...

  3. Somewhere in a pile of news articles someone on the Florence City Council proudly proclaimed that only $10,000 of the $25,000 had been billed and paid. Mr. Oliver I believe pointed out that the city is “on the hook” for the full $25,000 and that seems to be the settlement. Having spent over 40 years in private industry I dare say it is important to fully understand contracts and deliverables. Sounds like Tatum made sure they got the full amount even if most people don’t seem to see any value in the “creative” logo. Popular sentiment and common sense says the new logo won’t be used so in my opinion Florence just handed out $25,000 for nothing.

    Somehow that seems to be the trend in my home area lately. While I’ve been out and about living my life elsewhere out-of-towners have been busy fleecing my hometown. I’m sure you have the list and I don’t need to remind everyone. Rest assured, many of the towns I transited through over the years have had their share of fleecing. In most cases there were consequences for the actions by the officials. One town had to hand control over to the state and has spent years trying to dig out of the mess.

    $25,000 seems a miniscule amount compared to most government spending. But it adds up. It piles up! It is reminiscent of many comedic movie dramas where the townsfolk see the truth too late. Somewhere there is a reckoning and it only comes after the people realize they’ve been taken. I’m not sure my home area has reached that point. In the immediate case I am curious how anyone deduced a rehabilitation of the town logo would do anybody any good. Don’t forget, another $75,000 was ready to fly out the window. That money is burning holes in pockets. Who is watching? What is next?
