Monday, February 14, 2022

Monument Lawsuit to be Heard Friday


From a reader:

This Friday. "Just a reminder - on February 18th at 9 am a judge will make a ruling on the lawsuit against moving the monument in front of the Courthouse ! If ya can make it for a rally at the Statue at 9 am on that day it would be great to show support for keeping the Statue in place !"

More on Ed Kennedy who has challenged Danny Pettus to debate:

LTC Ed Kennedy, Danny Pettus or no Danny Pettus, plans, to be in Florence ready to debate, or, be interviewed by the media. FYI: Ed is no local yocal/country bumpkin. West Point grad. 20+ years Army. Certified Army historian. He was one of our tactics instructors when I was a student (2006-2007) at US Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC), Fort Leavenworth, KS; (2004-20011) and CGSC satellite institution at Redstone Arsenal (2011-2018). He also conducts battlefield tours and staff rides (Shiloh, Chickamauga, etc) for ROTC, CGSC, JROTC, West Point, etc. He is the president of the Huntsville Civil War Roundtable. Has consulted with numerous roundtables as far away as London, UK.

So there you have it. The Chicken Colonel is obviously no chicken.



  1. The term "Chicken Colonel" is derogatory and Incorrect.

    A Lieutenant Colonel is sometimes referred to as "Light Colonel", but NEVER "Chicken".

  2. Looking it up, we find that "Chicken Colonel" refers to a full colonel. Our apologies for mislabeling Mr. Kennedy's rank. He would be considered a "Light Colonel."

  3. Even using "Chicken Colonel" for a Full Colonel is derogatory. Is it used? Yes, but VERY infrequently, is considered Nasty and is always said in Poor Taste.
    The correct 'slang' for a Full Colonel is, "Full Bird" Colonel....referring to the Silver Eagle insignia on their uniform.
    How do I know? My father was one.
