A concerned Muscle Shoals parent speaks on recent events within the school system:
BTW - Nepotism?
FIRE a really effective teacher and baseball coach Skyler Kirchner. Then name Paul Ellis in a permanent position as baseball coach.
Oops - once again, the faMily dynasty made a grave error in their haste to pull one over the children and citizens.
While the elected school board (issue) had the jokers in Muscle Shoals scrambling, the game changed (pardon the pun). They had to step up the timeline to get that really smart son of Denise Woods at Muscle Shoals.
Seth Woods always had it easy at MSCS since graduation rates are really important. Honest scores on the student's tests aren't important because the current status quo is going to scale, fix, fudge, or whatever it takes to make the numbers where they have to be for their own bragging rights.
Seth goes away freshman year to the big city university. How long did he make it? Let's just say, he was sent home very fast. Could it have something to do with his mother stating he is a visual learner. Exactly what does that mean, he can't read?
He manages to squeak by at UNA, went to Sheffield as a "coach" and of course "history" teacher we're guessing. Something about them paying off a student loan if he stayed a while.
Now, with Coach Ellis as a permanent baseball coach where will they put this Woods boy? Of course it will be another football assistant, making it around 30 coaches.
We bet the Woods boy will also be placed in one of those sports that threatens Basden with its success, maybe the previous state championship golf team?
So, imagine how this election in August will look.
Willis Thompson - a major part of the angst the citizens have with the faMily who is already saying he's going to listen and be part of a solution fixing the city departments, although as a school board member he publicly criticized tax opponents and told them they didn't understand how it works.
Mike Lockhard who can't understand why anyone would have anything against the school system his wife works for and is going to cut benefits to the city employees so he can send more money to the schools.
Allen Noles who publicly states, "if you don't like it, you can move". (That's exactly what fat cat Lindsey and his adoring sycophant Chad Holden tell people who dare have an opinion that isn't theirs.) Noles chastised numerous citizens for their stance on elected school board and their opposition to a huge tax increase.
Get ready - the past is going to rear its ugly head in the coming months with facts and sins of the past on these folks for sure.
Let the good times roll - 82% of the voting citizens of Muscle Shoals says it's time for a CHANGE.