Sunday, May 3, 2020

Still Another Take on Aric Butler Arrest

Another reader writes:

I have bad news for "Doc" Butler. He is a chiropractor because the state issued him a license. If the Alabama State Board of Chiropractors catch wind of this he could be fined up to $2,000 and/or lose his license to ever practice in the state again.  

Judging from online commentators calling for protest I am reminded of the right-wing white nationalist movement that has been seen on the new as of late.  If I must choose between the police and a radical fringe group such as that I choose the cops every time. 

Butler was basically saying I dare you to do something by posting on Facebook that the gym would be open on May 1. In that same post people were commenting that by opening he was going against the rules. Ignorance can not be claimed as a excuse.

Could the Rogersville police have given him a warning? Yes, but for all we know they did...?

I will give Butler the benefit of a doubt and say that he was influenced by his "friends" to do what he did. With that being said the mayor of Rogersville is not helping the situation by continuing to share conspiracy theory messages online. 

Our take is merely a fine, since his actions are considered a misdemeanor and not a felony. Still, as we previously pointed out, he will now have to acknowledge this arrest in many professional situations. Was it worth it?

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