Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Three Reasons Not to Support the Salvation Army Church

If you have no interest in Christianity, you can simply skip this one. If you wish to follow Christ's teachings, you should read this very carefully. In 2015, the Salvation Army Church issued a news release on five ways it was different from mainstream Christianity. We'll look at three of them today.

2. Military Hierarchy - Unlike the traditional structure of the Christian church, the Salvation Army is organized more akin to a military organization, according to The Christian Courier. It starts with a general, who is located in its London headquarters. The general communicates with a chief of staff and orders are followed down the chain of command. 

Interesting...the Bible mentions elders and deacons leading autonomous congregations, not generals and captains and God only knows what. Certainly most who contribute financially to this religious cult have no idea.

4. Baptism is Not Required

The Salvation Army believe baptism is  unnecessary for salvation. Water Beach Salvation Army UK offered several reasons for this on the organization's website. The Salvation Army founders viewed baptism as a ritual some Christians use to replace having a genuine inward spiritual relationship with God. However, Salvation Army members do have the right to become baptized in another church if they so desire.

Hmmm, We've always thought it odd that Baptists, despite their name, believe this, but they will baptize you. Salvationists won't. 

5. Do Not Partake in Communion

Salvation Army Christians do not partake in communion. They do not condemn the use of sacraments, nor do they "deny that other Christians receive grace from God through using them," according to the Water Beach Salvation Army UK. They also explained the Salvation Army believes that living a holy life and receiving the grace of God can take place regardless of whether an individual participates in specific religious rituals or not. 

And this! We're pretty sure it's not a ritual, but a commandment: This do in remembrance of Me. 

On a positive note, we've learned that two, or perhaps more, have volunteered to act as plaintiffs in a FFRF suit against the City of Florence over the proposed shelter grant (strings free gift of our tax dollars). The gentleman who originally notified the Wisconsin group is attempting to arrange the details. More later. 

This Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With Today's Blog, But We Thought It Was Hilarious!

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