Monday, July 29, 2019

Banned from the Colbert County Jail?!!!

If you think it's bad to be banned from this blog, how would you like to be banned from the Colbert County Sheriff's Department/Jail? Guess what? Someone actually is.

And that someone is the Cherokee police officer we blogged about yesterday. When we first heard that this officer was banned from the sheriff's office, we weren't quite sure what to think. After checking, we discovered that it's true. The man is apparently so rude and disruptive that he's not wanted in Tuscumbia, at least at the jail.

On the citation front, we have two good news items. First, a legal eagle tells us that if there are actually no crosswalks in the Town of Cherokee, it would be very difficult for anyone actually to jaywalk. So, there's your defense, all you wanton illegal street crossers.

Second, if you want to protest the police department's treatment of Cherokee citizens, you can ask to be placed on the agenda of the monthly town meetings. These are held every first Tuesday in the month. The next is Tuesday, August 6th, at 4:30 with a second meeting following at 5:00.

Remember, it's fine to protest to us at Shoalanda, but if you don't protest to the Cherokee city government, you won't get anywhere.

Pictured: The Two Most Effective Cherokee Council Members

1 comment:

  1. I actually visited Cherokee yesterday. I somehow managed to drive through town on Hwy. 72, visit my parents, drive to Piggly Wiggly, and Dollar General (you might be from Alabama if you can say this), without attracting the attention of the Cherokee Police! Imagine that! It is called being obedient to the law, having a legal tag, and driving the speed limit! Folks should give it a whirl!
